Monday, August 29, 2011

Irene was here

We managed to survive a hurricane with no damage (personal), no power loss, and no flooding. We had some water in our basement, but just a minor leak that we always deal with when it rains.
Trying to get ready for some upcoming shows. I'm booked Sunday and a friend sent me an fb invite for one Sunday. It's kind of far, but if it actually has people that show up, it may be worth my time. Just not sure if my helper and I could manage to make enough stuff (other than what I sell through direct sales), to sell. With driving people to and from work, to and from practice, plus our first pasta dinner, making PB&J's, first game...this is going to be a crazy busy week!
I definitely ned to work in this room today so I can spread out and craft and get a tote in here to store the finished product. I have to make my list of printing I have to do (labels, pricing signs, journal jars, gift in a jar labels/ instructions), because we all know my memory is shot! Yesterday, I was going to get my papers and I completely pass the strip mall entrance and drive like I'm going to take the teens where they have to go. Totally passed where I had to go! Think that means I drive them too much! If we could swing the insurance, I'd be up to another driver. Major issue is we can't afford another car. This payment is a killer!
My crafting season is starting to heat up. I need to find some time to get some more stock made and ready to sell. My helper is starting her own little venture now as well. Tonight we hope to be able to start some projects. Just depends on the rest of the crew here. Everytime we start stuff they seem to need us for something.
Going to start listing on yardsellr, so go check it out! I have literally a TON of clothes that I need to sell! Plus school books and other goodies. Finally picked up some priority boxes at the PO the other day, but I'll need to do an online order and hope they actually deliver it this time!
Time to get busy!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


This is not a good week for me. Been doing way too much thinking and that's never a good thing with me. I did manage to find my batteries so I can start listing tomorrow. Planning to make a couple of headbands and glue more ribbons so I can start more. Maybe take them to the dinner so I can work on them while I'm sitting there. I can glue some hair clips tomorrow. I need to clear a space for them to "set" where the cats don't attack them. Going to try to get some inventory built up for a big show coming up. Once I get all the paperwork in for the girls to start school, and I have a good amount listed for sale, I want to work on my resume. I need to make money for *me*. Not too sure about things right now, and I'll feel better if I can support my kids. Just need to make it until November when football is over. Do school a much as possible to work ahead, list stuff to sell, start to look in boxes in the basement, do some weekend shows, get a night job. The only time I can work since I have to work around other peoples schedules. Maybe start working earlier than that. We'll have to see how schooling goes.
Did you ever just sit down and take stock of your life and wonder where all the years went? Like you were just treading water and you have some regrets? I don't regret my kids, but there are a few other aspects I regret. Now I have to dust myself off and make plans from here on out. I'll need to take my own advise and do what's best for me from now on. Scary as it is, it's time!
I hope to get working on my blogs more than a post here and there and a month goes by. They say to have a good log that could also bring in money, you have to blog 3 times a week at least! Wow. Not sure what all I actually do 3 times a week! lol
At least the weather has cooled down some. No more 100's! Maybe I'll get some time to rearrange some in my one storage unit - so I can get some stuff out of my aunt's since it seems to be bugging people who it shouldn't.
Did I mention I'm not happy? Not that I'm sad per se, just not happy. Discontented. Unsettled. Yes, definitely time for a change. Going to have to do some research and make sure I can get the support I'll need from my friends.
If you feel so led, kindly keep me in your prayers. I'm going to be needing all the support I can get!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


All ready? Really?? Yikes! I managed to start the enrollment process for the 2 little ones for school, of course I had issues, so I have to wait for the school to get back to me. Then the packages will start. A lot of them. That's why one day next week I'll spend time getting ready for the dozens of boxes we'll be getting. Have to figure out where 2 more desk tops will go, then all of their school books. Maybe some small totes for the misc stuff, keep the workbooks on the bookshelf. May need to grab another one to fit everything.
Did manage to get some clothes sorted today. Not all, and there's a bunch left, but it's a good start. I'd love to sort my clothes tomorrow. See what all I have, pack some away for when we own a house (clothes to wear to paint, do yard work, etc.), try on more. Maybe then I can start listing more to sell. See if I have more luck on yardsellr than I do on webstore. Might list some other stuff on webstore though.
I still have more planning to do for the move. I want to contact another realtor here about a foreclosure deal. Renting, not buying. We definitely want to move next year. Would help us save more money since the rent is so high here.
No real shows on the books for August. I should get busy and look for some fall shows, but I just don't have the energy right now. I'm working on more headbands to keep me busy. I managed to finish a thinner one yesterday while waiting at football. Just need to finish it off, then one of my girls can wear it to model it for me. I'll work on some lined gator clips later. I'll do plain and with some embellishments on them.
They want it to get hot just in time for football to start. Poor kids! I better get lunch stuff in the house for us since JJ will be gone all day soon. Yolanda works most days and usually doesn't eat before, but she might if I have some quick lunch stuffs around. I'd like the guys to do a session or 2 of making breakfast sandwiches to freeze. Then I know JJ would eat before he left for the day. I'll have to go through my coupons and plan out some deals first. I'd like to have some dinners done too for long days. More crockpot meals for the hot days.
I've been so tired lately and I've done nothing to warrant it to this degree. Although I am still thinking about working a night shift job. Just figuring out the logistics of getting people where they need to be, watching the littles, sleep. We'll see how things go in the next couple of weeks. If I clean out at least one storage unit, it'll help a bit. Selling a bunch online would help even more.
Anyone care to help me take pictures, download them and start listing stuff to sell? It actually shouldn't take me too long, it's the littles getting into stuff that'll keep me from getting a lot listed.
Guess that's all for now. Nothing much been going on. Just football, heatwaves, and driving.

Friday, June 17, 2011


What a yucky day! Weather isn't sure if it wants to rain or not, but it's muggy none the less. *sigh* Would be nice if they'd get us our a/c unit and hook it up! Our poor animals are suffering and us 2 legged peoples aren't doing so well either.
Thinking I'll put stuff out at a yard sale tomorrow. Nothing too exciting, just some kids clothes, but I'd like to put up my vendor displays as well. Maybe hand out some flyers and cards. Never know where you'll get a sale!
Sunday I have a vendor event for a playground fundraiser. A bit further than what I'd like right now, but should get some sales since it's for the playground! I have to get busy with my hair clips. If I can do some clips this weekend, I can sell the Sunday. I should clean out my business closet to see if I can make room for other stuff I make. Mainly the bath stuff. No room for the dog beds here and I won't do the candy cakes with no upcoming shows - no need to tempt little man needlessly!! lol I'm holding off on signing up for more shows, just because I can never be sure if hubby will have to work weekends or not. Luckily there's some car show on Sundays I can do for exposure.
If anyone (all 3 of you, and anyone that tumbles across this) wants to check out my webstore, I have a store there named "Shelszoo". Right now it's my stuff with some teen clothes, and I hope to add more this weekend. Just have to sort the clothes taking up space in here so I can find the original clothes I took pictures of and get them listed. Then I can start taking more pictures, upload them and get them listed. Add in I'm looking for a night job, to help us make ends meet, and I'll be lucky to have any hair left by the time school starts up again. Oh, yeah, except I school at home! lol I guess I can work the night job until my sanity gives or I just sleep around the clock or something. As long as we can actually pay all the bills and have money for food and maybe put some away for our move, I'll be happy. Happier if people start buying my stuff on webstore so it gets less cluttered in here! *grin*

Monday, June 6, 2011


Why is it, no matter how organized I think I am, Monday's are crazy?? Doesn't help that the oldest child snuck out while everyone was sleeping. No note, no nothing. Yeah, I'm looking forward to moving and her being on her own! No more of her selfish antics to deal with on a daily basis!!
I managed to sell something on webstore, now I just have to find the box that I can use. My Priority boxes didn't come yet. I'd like to start listing some more tonight. See if I can manage to get everything I have pictures of listed. Then tomorrow I can concentrate on taking more pictures! I also have a bunch of stuff to try on. Since I lost weight, I have to try on pants again to see which ones are too big. Then I also just got a bunch at a bag sale, so I'll have to check which ones fit well and which can go. While I'd like to keep some smaller stuff since I'm hoping more weight follows, I just don't have the room to store any more stuff. So, it'll get listed and the money goes into the moving fund!
Looks like I have a show Saturday! It's a doggie adoption event - hoping I can make a bunch of good contacts there! If we have good weather we should have a decent turn out. Help me get my name out there a little more.
Spent some time trying to get relocation info for a couple different areas in SC. I have the Myrtle Beach info (I could probably tell you all about that area anyway! I'm always looking at sites for there! lol), but think we should look into a few other areas. See how the job market is, housing, taxes, etc. As long as I keep up with the decluttering, I'll feel confident about the move. Hoping to be able to pay up the storage units this weekend, then I'll get a new unit closer and start to clear out the original 2. I know the clothes in there are most probably a loss now. See what's trash, what we're keeping, what I can sell, what can be donated. Since Boo has a few days off from football, I can use his muscles!
Almost done school with Lex. Have to get her re-enrollment in, got Boo's in. Just have to call for a set for Cricket, have a print out for Zoe. Just have to start filling everything out! Got the littles some books to work in to help when school starts. Try to get them ahead of where they should be since I know they fell behind with all the hassles we've had lately -internet that keeps going down, having to move, and all that stress.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hump Day

I managed to get pretty much done this week. Feeling pretty accomplished so far! Monday was the bag sale at the JCC, and since we were there until the end, and they wanted tables cleared, we scored the bags for $1. They were going for $5/bag or 5 bags for $20. SCORE!! Just wish we had some extra time! For the $1/bag deal, I would have grabbed a few bags of stuff to sell! Tuesday I managed to sort and match up the littles clothes. Still have some to match, but I had to send a bunch down to be washed today. Today Yolanda actually cleaned (some) in their room and they can use their closet again. Now I can hang more of Lexi's clothes for her. Once I get some of the clean clothes to fold and sort, I'll be matching more. Found 3 bags worth of clothes to toss. Finally getting rid of the stained stuff or with holes. Still have a ton or more to list - hopefully I'll get to that the end of this week. Tomorrow I have to figure out where I am this weekend, finalize a Daisy Scout party with NA, clean more in this room and try on clothes. I managed to lose some weight when I was sick, now I have to figure out what size pants I am so I can get rid of the rest. Then June 4th is the next bag sale and I'll be able to add to my new smaller size wardrobe!! Yikes! Just realized I should clean out our closet. That means I have to clean in *front* of it first! UGH But I know there's stuff I can get rid of, plus some cold weather stuff I can pack away. Should get a tote for those clothes.
Saturday I'll be at a Light the Night event. Really hoping to make some sales/get orders! Means I get to donate money to the organization, and get some sales on record! Plus if I sell/get orders for diaper/towel cakes, it means I get to make more! lol I hope to be able to sign up for a few more events coming up. One is up the line a bit, so I'd have to do the NA party for gas money! Then there's one June 11th that's a BBQ type event. I don't have anything really *foodie* except the Greeting Cakes. I'm going to have to reread what he said about food being sold. See if I can do any of the rubs to sell. I'll have a bunch of kitchen towel cakes and that kind of stuff, plus the rest of my stuff I sell.
I have to email the one school tonight. Still no check and I want to get in the withdrawal form. It's pathetic, but it's been over a week and they're not that far away! That money could come in handy with these gas prices. Especially since I seem to have a child who thinks I have to have gas to take her to/from work daily. $80/week, when she doesn't pay me that much for RENT a month total. Something's going to have to give. I can't even get a job working night shift because I have to wait for her call to get her. 2 hours a day I waste driving her (no highways). Yeah, cuz I don't have anything else to do!
At least 2 more emails will need to be sent. Not going to waste money on postage for these people. Also a call. Planning to do that after hours since I'd rather not deal with attitude. Snarky ass people should just steer clear of me. I don't care how much schooling you have, I don't care what your paycheck looks like, you're still an ass. Go and don't help someone else!
I have to start getting the forms for the schools for C and Z. I should have forms for Z printed, just need to start the tedious process of filling them out, getting things copied, and mailing them in. C will be different since I want to do some more work with her before I start her paperwork and I want her tested (these idiots didn't listen to me about that) to see where she should start. We can always work quickly so she can get to where she "should" be according to her age. These idiots decided she should be placed with her age. Umm, yeah, it's called testing and I agreed to it. Never again!
Still looking to move. Far, far away. One reason to declutter and start to put money aside. I look daily (sometimes more than once a day) at houses there, rentals, etc. I have a plan, it just depends on how much we leave here with. Since you usually can't get a mortgage until you've been at your job at least 1 year, it looks like we'd have to rent (WAY cheaper rents there!!), and save for a house. Which is ok, since the housing is cheaper there. Hubby's work is in demand there, and I've been looking into shows I'd be able to do (pricing, etc.).
Ok, bedtime. I've still got a major list of things I have to get done this week!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I need more time!!

I can't believe it's been 2 months! I think about blogging, then something happens and I get busy. Really need to rework the to do lists. It's looking like I'll be getting a night shift job so we can continue to eat and use the lights. Normally hubby's check would cover everything, but his work is slow, and his checks aren't where I'm used to them being. *sigh* Since my businesses aren't bringing in the money I was hoping they would by now, I have to do what needs done. I'm just hoping I'll be able to still get 6 hours of sleep. I know you're supposed to get more, but it's what I average now.
I'm rethinking some things lately. Reworking my business plans, rethinking future plans. My getting this job will help with all of that. We'll be able to put aside some money and I won't have to deal with all the anxiety over the budget every month.
I'll be listing stuff to sell on webstore this week. Hoping to start later today - after I fold more clothes, sort them and match up stuff for the littles, clean up the master bedroom, unload my truck and start working on all the bags I use for my shows. They're starting to rip and I'm tired of lugging 10 bags when I don't use most of them.
Still looking into housing options along with some other things I'm not going to post in an open forum. Things will be changing, just not sure when. Don't really care if people are happy about the changes, it's something that should have been done, and it's pathetic that's it's still dragging on.
Going to list some kittens on craigslist. We *have* to get most of them out of this house! They're old enough now, we can get them out. Hoping they go fast, because I'm starting to stress over people's attitudes in this house. Like I don't have enough to do, let's add rehoming the kittens!
Ok, rainy week equals me working in the house decluttering, listing on webstore (my store is shelszoo there), organizing business stuff, catching up on calls/emails, finding shows to do, finding places to market my stuff, maybe adding a few more things to my crafts that I make.
I better get busy folding clothes so I can start listing today! Would be nice to get rid of a box or 2 a week. Lots of kids clothes, my clothes and school books will be listed this week.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rainy Sunday

All day. Rain. Yeah, you know I got nothing done! Well, maybe stuff on my cityville and I cut some coupons. Other than that, nothing! That means tomorrow I have to call about a show Sunday, do some paperwork, call about hubby's meds being faxed over, match up clothes, sort and fold newly washed clothes, run the teens all over, paperwork, and get ready for the next few weekends of shows. Sounds like a regular Monday!
Things have been really kind of boring here lately. Mainly stuff I won't put on a blog for all to see. It's not everyone's business, and I don't want to bore my few readers! lol
I did manage to update my Shelszoo Superstores blog. Nothing too exciting there, except my March is pretty well booked. Calling tomorrow about a show to help, possibly, get some sales. I'd like to build up our vacation fund. I dipped into it to build up some stock for Noah's Ark and Greeting Cakes. If anyone wants to check out what I sell, you can see my sites on my other blog, or Shelszoo Superstores on facebook. I have all my shows listed there. There are a couple that they ask you to bring the flyer so I get credit - it can be emailed.
The other thing going on is Freedom's golf fundraiser. If anyone wants to sign on to golf, or donate a prize, or be a sponsor, just message me here with an email address where I can reach you. It really helps the boys with being able to get them supplies, pay for snacks, and all that good stuff most parents don't think twice about them having.
Been working on our budget. It didn't help when it cost me $89 to fill the tank, and then we get our gas bill for the house and it was *double* last month's bill! YIKES!! Looks like I'll be listing on webstore soon. Time to clear out some of the clothes and books we have lying around. We really don't have the room, and we can use that extra money on these crazy bills! Luckily my truck just needed tires (another $700) for inspection.
Uppercase Living is still having the free expression with every $50 order (up to 3 per order) until the 15th. Great deal! Plus Noah's Ark is having a deal where for every 10 animals you buy, you get a free "baby". The babies are smaller stuffed animals with an outfit. I have 2 myself, and they are cute! They come in a box, so if you don't personally want to keep it, you can donate it, or put it in your gift closet!
Thanks for reading!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Yes, Abby had her kittens. 5 of them. Monday night, my oldest yells that fact! lol We didn't realize she was so close, so we really weren't ready for the birth. All live births, and doing well so far. One orange/white, one grey stripe, 2 black and 1 calico. So cute!! I keep going into their closet (where she decided was the best place to birth) and giving Abby attention and checking out the babies. We do have a home for the orange one and a friend said he'd take one. Ds said he may have a taker too. We'll have more in a week or so, since, yes, Ziva is also pregnant! Riptide was a busy boy - but the girls aren't too fond of him now! lol My oldest was saying how Abby and Riptide were "talking" yesterday, and it sounded like Abby was telling him off.
Been keeping close to home since the storms. My tires need replaced and there's ice out there. Tonight I'll be checking on tire prices so I can finally get new ones and not have to worry about that. Just have to worry about the trans that's acting up. Yeah me. *sigh*
Things are starting to get busy with my businesses. I have a show next weekend, one the 26th and a bunch more coming up. I better get busy making my stuff I want to sell, plus ordering some inventory from others. Time to get busy selling! Get bills paid off, put some aside for fun times.
Yikes! I better find the labels to send back the laptop! Completely forgot about that one! He can't get a new one until that one is returned, so I should see about getting it out today or tomorrow. If I can find the label. Wonder if it's one they emailed? Ya think? I hope so!
I'm hoping the ickies are finally on their way out of this house! I'm tired of all the sick kids, feeling horrible, and not being able to get our stuff done we want to do!
I need to look into getting the kids out of the house! Poor things are tired of being cooped up and are getting rammy. :( Can't play outside, it's icy. Can't go to Gram's cuz of the germs (they can't afford to get sick). I wouldn't really let them out here much as some punks destroyed out snowman they built. Not teens either. We're talking younger kids. Yeah, just what I want my kids around...Not! So we stay inside where they get rammy and start acting up. *sigh* Add that to my list - making calls/ looking places up for some fun times!
Ugh, I hear the school books calling. At least one teacher stopped the harassing calls. Now to get the other one to stop calling daily - she's supposed to call weekly or less! Would be nice to get stuff done without the interruptions!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snowy, snowy

Just another snowy day here in eastern PA. Of course, I happen to live in the one area where we're not getting as much snow as predicted. *sigh* That could be a good thing as my tires are pretty bad (c'mon tax refund!!), but I really have no place to go. Since it's a winter wonderland outside, I should spend some time doing stuff inside. Like sort clothes, catch up on some school with my littles, go through some boxes, get ready for the upcoming craft/vendor shows. Especially the last one! I'm adding some crafts to what I sell, because as we all know I have so much extra time! lol
Maybe if I can get on a regular schedule I can post more on here. I have a bunch of links I want to share, just never seem to find the time to blog. I do want to try to do better, maybe get more followers. See about sharing links I have saved for various reasons. I have a bunch on different ways to do charity work. Then there's some work at home ideas. A bunch for homeschooling and printables for kids.
All this talk that's been going on about what's in fast food is really making me want to stock up our cabinets and freezers so we're not tempted to go hit one of them on a crazy night. We should be able to do up a bunch of different meals once our refund gets here. I have my coupons mostly ready for a good stock up trip. I'll need to fine tune the sorting and make sure all the expireds are out. then I'll wait for the match ups to see what we use and what would be a good deal for us.
It's late and I would like to update my business blog before I get some sleep!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Stomach Bug

Yep, it's hit us here. Hard. Hubby says I'm the only one not puking. Oh joy. So I'm stuck in the bedroom hoping I don't start. TV doesn't have a working remote (I'll have to remedy that!), and we only have one bathroom. I'm trying to time my potty breaks for when I don't hear any moaning or rushing for the toilet. *sigh*
This is not a good start to the year. Had some other stuff going on here, plus my grandmother was in the hospital for a week. She's been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Plus my grandfather is sick. Yeah, just not a good start.
I'm still looking for places to have a craft/ vendor event before they all start up. I'll spend some of my quality alone time checking the hotel replies and trying to find a place big enough that doesn't want an arm and leg! I have some crafts I'd like to make, but that'll wait until closer to show time for most. I can do some printing, if I can get on Jim's computer. Unless I bring up Cricket's and see if I can get it to work now.
I really have to redo my to do list. I know I have calls to make, printing to do, school to get to with 3 kids, start another one doing some school, plus I have to go through boxes in the basement and sort the littles clothes then match them into outfits (for the most part). Make life easier if they have an outfit they can just pick out of the closet. No more Zoe wearing polka dotted pants and a striped shirt - with no matching colors! lol I'll also start on my webstore again. Get that up and running. See how much I can list at once and keep my sanity. Try to get some decluttering done while I'm in the mood. Helps that we could use the money. Payday fell wrong and things are a bit hairy, but it'll pass.
I better get some sleep so I can get something done tomorrow! If I'm lucky, I may even move around our bedroom. Not getting into the littles room to move stuff around, so I'll just work where I can.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year

Let's see if I can blog a bit more regularly this year! lol Things have been a bit crazy - including a move on short notice and starting to do craft/ vendor shows. Add in 6 kids, schooling half, starting to potty train, and getting crafts made for shows and you know why I have been missing.
My hubby actually is interested in moving to SC now! Oh, don't even get me started on that! Let's just say, I get listings from 2 agents down there - 1 in Myrtle Beach, the other is bank owned in all of SC. I'm looking at one condo to get as a rental so we'd have some kind of income. I'll be asking the second realtor about buying bank owned real estate, if we'd need to get the loan through someone in SC, etc. I know ho wit works up here, but I also know every state is different.
Going to spend this year building up my businesses. I spent some time looking up shows for this year. Now to get some money to send in the apps and make more product and get some inventory. I could probably book up most of March, April and May. I do have to watch with football starting. I know there's some camps and I'd like to be available as one of the moms that helps out with drink and snacks. It's his last year (*SOB*) and I don't want to miss any of it! Better stock up on tissues now. *sigh*
I've been trying to get a bit more organized. Not sure how long it'll last, but once I can get the kids a bit settled doing school, I'll start sorting more of the boxes in the basement. Hubby and I folded and sorted clothes today, and I'll bring in the littles stuff to our room and match up outfits (easier to hang) this week. It's mainly a space issue. No room for dressers, so I have to work with the closet and cubbies. Also have to leave room for the oldest. She is supposed to be looking for a job. Not sure how well that's going. She did work for a bit over the holiday, but it was only seasonal. If she's so gung-ho about moving out, she better get her butt in gear and job hunt!
I spent some time tonight looking for a couple more crafts to make. Just some of the easier stuff - like altered paint cans. If I can, I'd like to see about making some of my own wrappers for popcorn and such. The one woman I contacted about a show asked me what crafts I do - after I told her. Not sure she "gets" that gifts in a jar and wrappers *are* crafts.
On another note...our Abby is pregnant! Looks like Riptide (who we got as an abandoned stray while in MB) figured out how to use his equipment and got one of the twins in a "family way". lol The 5 yo says they have to get married now. The only reason why both aren't preggers is Ziva usually fights with him. She had been friendly when she was in heat, but I don't think he had it all figured out at that time! lol
Hoping to get some furniture moved this week. I have to get my tables (for shows) out of the walkway so people don't trip over them. Maybe get rid of the one dresser with a missing drawer.
Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again!!