I've been looking through some books and magazines and gathering links to help people. With all the lay offs and bad economy, plus it's getting to be graduation time, I thought it would be a good time to post. I have a bunch of links that will help you figure out what you're best suited for, places teens cn do apprenticeships/ internships, a couple of links about colleges, and more. Not everyone needs to go to college to get a good job, and I'd like to help them figure out their strengths.
careergames.com - find what you were meant to do
EUREKA.org - creer assessments
online.onetcenter.org/skills - help find a career
self-directed-search.com - matches strengths with careers
bls.gov/oco/home.htm - matches jobs with needed training, earnings, etc.
bestplaces.net - relocation information
careervoyages.gov - explore in demand careers
rileyguide.com/intern.htm - internships, apprenticeships, volunteer opps
nextsteps.org - Calgary based career planning
roadtripnation.com - find out about jobs from people working them
martynemko.com - career blog (SF writer)
bls.gov/opub/ooq/2000/fall/art03.pdf - job corps, Ameri corps, Peace Corps article
learnovation.com - preparing people for the workforce
stats.bls.gov/opub/ooq/1999/fall/art02.pdf - high earners who don't have a bachelor's degree
quintcareers.com/teens.html - teen jobs, careers, college
ipl.org/div/teen - teen site lots of help for teens here for school, work, and more
myfuture.com - military opps, money matters, beyond high school, career toolbox
collegeboard.com/?student - all about going to college (tests, applying, financial aid and more)
utexas.edu/world/univ/state - all colleges and universities
braintrack.com - university and college search
onlinedegrees.com/ - online degrees, distance learning courses
careeronestop.org - tools to help job seekers, sponsored by the US Dept. of Labor
nnkol.org/StreamingFutures/ -free help teens find right career path
http://people.rit.edu/~gtfsbi/Symp/highschool.htm - coop/ intern opportunities
collegeboard.com/article/0,3868,2-7-0-8382,00.html - plan for college
microsoft.com/College/highschool/highschool.mspx - university and MBA careers
rileyguide.com/teen.html - teen, seasonal and "kinda coo;" opportunities
jobshadow.org - job shadowing
unite.com - helping LA's (CA) students with education and training
virtualjobshadow.com/vjs.asp - online job shadow
dol.gov/odep/programs/dmd.htm - job shadowing for students with disabilities
netmentors.org - career development e-mentoring for kids
princetonreview.com - SAT prep, find colleges
monstertrak.com - top job network for college students and recent grads
cdm.uwaterloo.ca/ - career services e-manual for Canada
bearcave.com/misl/misl_other/college_grad_unemployment.html - article from 2004
self-directed-search.com - career that match your abilities and interests
epinet.org/content.cfm/webfeatures_viewpoints_education_limits - article telling the limits of always looking for a higher degree
changingcourse.com - changing careers
meaningfulcareers.com - find something meaningful to do ith your life
moneycentral.msn.com/content/SavingandDebt/Managedebt/p107758.asp - 4 fixes for the student loan trap
go to msn.com click personal finance click family/college for some good articles to help
campusinternships.com - internships
jobdig.com/ - search jobs nationwide
jobhunt.com/ net employment resources
salary.com - findout what your position pays in other places
jobcorps.org - free education & training program
feedthepig.org - budgeting and savings tips
I do think that's all I have on that. I'll be posting work at home places and ideas in a future post along with homeschool links (free and some that cost), tons of printable links for kids and adults (calendars, shopping lists, etc.), and more. If you have any requests, just put them in comments and I'll see what I can do. I'm hoping to get my freezer cooking links all together again. My main one was shut down (the owner wasn't aware her server was going down), so now we're waiting for her to find a new server and to get her stuff posted again. Such a help on a busy day to have a meal ready to go!
Thanks for stopping by! Please go check out my other blog www.ShelszooSuperstores.blogspot.com and see the pictures I have of the things I sell.
Have a great weekend!
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