Thursday, February 18, 2010

Busy day

I'm a little calmer now, but I'm still dealing with my anxiety. So to keep busy I've been listing like mad on Alot of curriculum that my kids schools sent and didn't ask to be returned. I'm trying to go through stuff since we moved and I have * some* space to spread out and move about. I'm hoping to sell enough so there's enough space to make a workout room in the basement for us. Really all depends what happens here. *sigh*
If anyone wants to go browse a *free* auction site you can check out my auctions. *grin* (I hope I did that right!!) I have a bunch of curriculum up and a few bras. I didn't want to add more clothes yet since for some reason my pictures aren't showing up. I'll have to contact them about it since I have totes full of clothes I want to list!
Okay, I updated my blogs - again. Time to go list a few more things!

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