I didn't realize it's been that long since I last posted! Things have just been really busy here and it doesn't look like I'll catch a break anytime soon! Usually I spend the weekends catching up, but I've been doing shows. This past weekend I did only one show on Saturday, but I spent Sunday catching up on some much needed sleep. This coming weekend are the bingos. Both days. My displays will be smaller, but I have to get prizes together tomorrow to take and drop off for Sunday's game. Not sure what's up with Saturday's since I haven't heard from the woman in charge.
School is going okay, except for Zoe. I'll just email her mentor and ask for the return list and labels to be sent. She flat out refuses to do the work. I don't know if I should try Cricket's school with her, or just wait a year. Maybe I'll ask her tomorrow and see what she says. I don't think she'd have the computer "games" like she does now, and that seems to be her major issue.
I've started to list on ebay again. I saw they were offering 100 free listings, pay when they sell. So I have over 25 books listed. Most have watchers (didn't check the newest ones), and 1 has a bid. Hoping they *all* sell! I'll be listing more all week to try to get rid of some of the stuff we have lying around here. I'm pacybermom24 on ebay if anyone is interested:)
Still have to sort the littles clothes. *sigh* I keep putting it off, but the weather has turned, and we need to see how many long pants each of the kids has so we can plan a trip to the thrift store. I know Lexi will need some. She has issues with certain jeans and how they fit. She doesn't like how leggings fit. Plus she's so tall, we have issues there.
I've been doing some craft shows. So far, they've been duds. I'm hoping to find a few more locally so I can sell some gifts in a jar and other goodies I make. I'll have out flyers and cards for my other businesses - if it's handmade only allowed- but I have a bunch of goodies I can make to sell. I have some more printing to do for a basket I'd like to make. Well, 2 baskets. 1 is an Advent basket, the other is a fun take on the 12 days of Christmas. I'll be making calls this week looking for more shows. Luckily I have a lead on one at a local high school.
I better get to bed. It's bound to be a long week, and I really can't afford to sleep 18 hours again because I'm sleep deprived!
Just a sahm of 6 trying to make it through the day. I homeschool some of the kids while trying to find the floor most days - it's a never ending battle!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I know I'll be having some new ladies stop by and just wanted to say hi! I'm not going to get to post the next set of links tonight, but will this weekend. I have to find my "Mommy's Book" where I keep all kinds of links and info to share, then carve out 20 minutes or so to blog. Tomorrow when I take ds to school for the 10 am meeting I'll be helping make PB&J sandwiches for the players for before the game. Come home, school with 2, call to #3's school (got her birth certificate! Now to meet up and finalize her enrollment), more school (behind a bit *sigh*), game, wash, pick up, get displays ready. Come home from game, pack truck for show, get directions, get dh's GPS, lay out outfit for me and dd (9). Saturday is the show. Up early (grrrrr), unload, set up, and hopefully get some interest in ordering/ doing a party. Home, rest, wash, school (get ahead for busy days), get ready for Sunday's show. Get directions, see if I can add any printouts, redo a display board, etc. Saturday is at a church, Sunday is a car show. Will have to plan my displays accordingly. I'll also take a fundraiser packet to our game to give the cheer coach - they get no money from the school. It's all on their own!
It's 100 days until Christmas. Just sayin'! lol Going to try to build on that with getting orders. I'll also make a list of upcoming shows/ events I'll be at - maybe sell some bingo tickets!
I'll see you sometime this weekend!!
It's 100 days until Christmas. Just sayin'! lol Going to try to build on that with getting orders. I'll also make a list of upcoming shows/ events I'll be at - maybe sell some bingo tickets!
I'll see you sometime this weekend!!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I'm tired!
Exhausted really. Managed to get Z completely signed up for school (could have been done earlier, but noone from the school told me the pages weren't scanned and saved right and needed renamed), J is basically done (need to contact the old school for some paperwork) and a call from them to get his classes set up. Still looking for C's birth certificate. I *had* it. I have the copy. Just can't find the actual paper. *sigh* Figure I'll look behind the sofa tomorrow and if it's not there I'll head to the state rep's office again. Yes, that's again. Had to get it to make a copy to sign her up. Lost it already! Definitely need to get organized around here!
I'll be making some calls tomorrow about weekend shows. I'd love to get more exposure and some orders! I'll be working on flyers and displays in between schooling L, searching for C's birth certificate, wash, picking up, and of course, facebooking! lol Friday is more of the same with the added benefit of making 2 pasta dinners (large trays of pasta - probably mac and cheese) for the football dinner all because I didn't have time to call for another volunteer! With losing Monday to a migraine, it really threw me off my game plan for the week.
I finally got a walk in tonight. I'd like to walk more often, but time seems to get away from me. Trying to set up vendor shows, figure out displays, wash (since every time I catch up someone cleans!), declutter, school, surveys, click to earn emails, and more keep me busy. I should try to set up a schedule as I was looking to add a night shift job to the mix. Maybe. I'd need to find out the hours since I won't miss football! If my businesses would pick up I wouldn't worry so much about the money part, but no real orders yet. Too much going on right now and we could use the added money for savings and some small debt that we have. Maybe take a long weekend after football to de-stress a bit. I'd like to do it earlier, but there's the lack of money, and we won't miss football for that. Football is our fun time - we've even started to take the littles with us so they can watch big brother.
Maybe I'll try for a girls night one night soon. Definitely not this weekend! lol
I'll be making some calls tomorrow about weekend shows. I'd love to get more exposure and some orders! I'll be working on flyers and displays in between schooling L, searching for C's birth certificate, wash, picking up, and of course, facebooking! lol Friday is more of the same with the added benefit of making 2 pasta dinners (large trays of pasta - probably mac and cheese) for the football dinner all because I didn't have time to call for another volunteer! With losing Monday to a migraine, it really threw me off my game plan for the week.
I finally got a walk in tonight. I'd like to walk more often, but time seems to get away from me. Trying to set up vendor shows, figure out displays, wash (since every time I catch up someone cleans!), declutter, school, surveys, click to earn emails, and more keep me busy. I should try to set up a schedule as I was looking to add a night shift job to the mix. Maybe. I'd need to find out the hours since I won't miss football! If my businesses would pick up I wouldn't worry so much about the money part, but no real orders yet. Too much going on right now and we could use the added money for savings and some small debt that we have. Maybe take a long weekend after football to de-stress a bit. I'd like to do it earlier, but there's the lack of money, and we won't miss football for that. Football is our fun time - we've even started to take the littles with us so they can watch big brother.
Maybe I'll try for a girls night one night soon. Definitely not this weekend! lol
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Yes, I'm alive!
I know it's been awhile since I was on here, but things are a bit crazy lately. School started for one, will start for the other 3 once we get the paperwork all straightened out! If only I could figure out where I put Cricket's birth certificate, we could get her up and running. I keep calling about the other 2, so I may just have to call and speak to someone higher up!
I broke my left index finger, so typing has been...interesting. I had a splint on it (bought at Walmart) but my finger got all weird feeling (the padding was made of the stuff like the water noodles). So from showering and swimming with the splint on, my finger got all "weird". Now I just deal with hitting it several times a day. *sigh*
Damn! I knew I didn't get to do something today! I have to make a few calls tomorrow for the football pasta dinner Friday. We feed our boys (JV/V) the night before a game. Only pasta, meatballs, salad and bread. No snacks, no treats. Total carbs and proteins to get ready. Being sick yesterday with the migraine from hell really messed up my schedule. Then I lost several hours today. I was doing wash, checking emails, making sure things were ok with the schools, and the next thing ya know I'm getting a pick up call and it's 6pm! Lost most of a day somehow.
I've been trying to declutter. Don't laugh. Really! I am!! I'm checking some books on cash4books.net, but no real luck yet. Figure I can get a new camera at Kmart this week ($139, 14x optical zoom, and 12.2 mega pixels I think). I need it for football and to start selling on ebay and other places. Figure I can do a semi yard sale Saturday. The football game is Saturday night, so I have the morning to sell some big stuff. Just big stuff. Like a fridge, toddler bed, toddler slide, kitchen hutch, and a couple other things. Sell the little stuff online. Everytime I try to sell clothes at a yard sale I get these immigrants (my dd says Nigerian) trying to get clothes for next to nothing. Honestly, most of the stuff is marked at .25!! Can't get much cheaper than that! *sigh* I'm not looking to make a lot of money, but some extra would be nice.
I did a vendor/craft show a few weeks ago. Did ok. Handed out a bunch of flyers and hoping to get some orders. Made contacts for more vendor shows and I signed on for a vendor bingo (donating prizes and a tricky tray item). Hope to get bookings there! Should have a supply of catalogs and some package deal flyers made for that. If I work on them this weekend, I can send them out for printing so I have some to hand out. I'd like to do a couple different variations so I can do mailings to hotels, doctor offices, dentists, etc. Hmmmm. Yep, another reason to be online most of the day! lol
I lost my ATM card last week. Not sure where, so I just cancelled it and am getting a new one sent. Didn't realize how much I use that thing! Getting gas is a hassle now! lol Even had to find the new book of checks since I used the last one to get cash for the game Friday night.
Lots of printing to do tomorrow! Getting organized with my businesses. There's a few places I have to call about shows I'd like to do - hope there's openings! Better get things done before I add the others onto the schooling schedule. I was going to look for a night shift job, but not sure when I could fit in sleep. I know. It's highly overrated, but I do need some! Especially since I drive the football player to the school everyday for gym class/practice.
I'm going to go look for the birth certificate. Maybe I'll get lucky and find it so I can call tomorrow. Get her stuff and finally start her doing regular school.
I broke my left index finger, so typing has been...interesting. I had a splint on it (bought at Walmart) but my finger got all weird feeling (the padding was made of the stuff like the water noodles). So from showering and swimming with the splint on, my finger got all "weird". Now I just deal with hitting it several times a day. *sigh*
Damn! I knew I didn't get to do something today! I have to make a few calls tomorrow for the football pasta dinner Friday. We feed our boys (JV/V) the night before a game. Only pasta, meatballs, salad and bread. No snacks, no treats. Total carbs and proteins to get ready. Being sick yesterday with the migraine from hell really messed up my schedule. Then I lost several hours today. I was doing wash, checking emails, making sure things were ok with the schools, and the next thing ya know I'm getting a pick up call and it's 6pm! Lost most of a day somehow.
I've been trying to declutter. Don't laugh. Really! I am!! I'm checking some books on cash4books.net, but no real luck yet. Figure I can get a new camera at Kmart this week ($139, 14x optical zoom, and 12.2 mega pixels I think). I need it for football and to start selling on ebay and other places. Figure I can do a semi yard sale Saturday. The football game is Saturday night, so I have the morning to sell some big stuff. Just big stuff. Like a fridge, toddler bed, toddler slide, kitchen hutch, and a couple other things. Sell the little stuff online. Everytime I try to sell clothes at a yard sale I get these immigrants (my dd says Nigerian) trying to get clothes for next to nothing. Honestly, most of the stuff is marked at .25!! Can't get much cheaper than that! *sigh* I'm not looking to make a lot of money, but some extra would be nice.
I did a vendor/craft show a few weeks ago. Did ok. Handed out a bunch of flyers and hoping to get some orders. Made contacts for more vendor shows and I signed on for a vendor bingo (donating prizes and a tricky tray item). Hope to get bookings there! Should have a supply of catalogs and some package deal flyers made for that. If I work on them this weekend, I can send them out for printing so I have some to hand out. I'd like to do a couple different variations so I can do mailings to hotels, doctor offices, dentists, etc. Hmmmm. Yep, another reason to be online most of the day! lol
I lost my ATM card last week. Not sure where, so I just cancelled it and am getting a new one sent. Didn't realize how much I use that thing! Getting gas is a hassle now! lol Even had to find the new book of checks since I used the last one to get cash for the game Friday night.
Lots of printing to do tomorrow! Getting organized with my businesses. There's a few places I have to call about shows I'd like to do - hope there's openings! Better get things done before I add the others onto the schooling schedule. I was going to look for a night shift job, but not sure when I could fit in sleep. I know. It's highly overrated, but I do need some! Especially since I drive the football player to the school everyday for gym class/practice.
I'm going to go look for the birth certificate. Maybe I'll get lucky and find it so I can call tomorrow. Get her stuff and finally start her doing regular school.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Busy, busy, busy
We've been super busy here lately! Luckily it's been beautiful out and I can let the kids out to run around for a few hours.
Today I'm making calls, doing email, and trying to get a few things marked off my to do list. Tonight I'll go to the Vagina Monologues with a friend - it's to bring awareness to violence against women. If you have the chance, I highly recommend you go - and take tissues!
It's been beautiful all week and looks like the weekend will be a winner! Now if I can just get some things settled, I might be able to enjoy this warm spell!
I do have some printables to list, but not right now. I have to get some more calls made and try to get little man down for a nap. Hoping he starts to take them since he's been running around outside for a bit. Maybe then I can grab a shower before I go out tonight.
Things are a bit stressful here right now. Along with the estate, there's dh's work that's been slow. Luckily he hasn't been laid off yet, but it seems like it may happen. Here's hoping we get another cold spell or people start calling for air conditioning servicing!
My brain seems to be friend right now. I know I have more to say, but I have too much else on my mind right now to focus. So I guess I'll stop here. Maybe I'll be back tonight to post a bunch of printables for kids for Easter, and some for mom's for household organization.
Today I'm making calls, doing email, and trying to get a few things marked off my to do list. Tonight I'll go to the Vagina Monologues with a friend - it's to bring awareness to violence against women. If you have the chance, I highly recommend you go - and take tissues!
It's been beautiful all week and looks like the weekend will be a winner! Now if I can just get some things settled, I might be able to enjoy this warm spell!
I do have some printables to list, but not right now. I have to get some more calls made and try to get little man down for a nap. Hoping he starts to take them since he's been running around outside for a bit. Maybe then I can grab a shower before I go out tonight.
Things are a bit stressful here right now. Along with the estate, there's dh's work that's been slow. Luckily he hasn't been laid off yet, but it seems like it may happen. Here's hoping we get another cold spell or people start calling for air conditioning servicing!
My brain seems to be friend right now. I know I have more to say, but I have too much else on my mind right now to focus. So I guess I'll stop here. Maybe I'll be back tonight to post a bunch of printables for kids for Easter, and some for mom's for household organization.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Snow storm coming!
Although they keep changing our totals, this one looks to be a doozy! We have food and toilet paper, but it looks like diaper are needed:( YIKES! And dh has to work tomorrow, so looks like I'll have to brave the storm and walk to the store. *sigh*
Since we'll all be stuck inside (except when ds goes out to plow and shovel), I figure we should get some work done in here. I'll figure out how to add pictures to my auctions, sort my clothes (and take pictures so people can see that I really do have a *ton* of clothes!), get school work done, pick up and possibly do more blogging! There's more I'll get done. On snow days I try to cram alot in for some reason. I have my kids home all the time since we school at home, so it's not that I have their help then. Can't forget to look for a bed for ds (oldest). His futon broke:( I'm hoping to find one on craigslist at a decent price. Also have to see if dh would be able to go pick it up.
I know I was going to post printables today, but I got busy packing up some stuff to mail out. Of course I lost 2 of the papers I needed to send it all out, but I got out the major stuff. I'll need to check an email about a check I'm due. I may have to contact higher ups about it, but I"m tired of dealing with their arrogance. Then there's the fact my ds wants to change schools. Fine, we can do that, but he needs to finish out the year doing the work at *this* school. Noone else is taking applications for the rest of this year! I have to talk to the one school to see how the day would be set up for him. This one, he has to go to a couple of different places and he's not liking that. He misses his old school, but they had alot of problems with their admin, and it's not straightened out yet. Luckily there's 2 other schools using the same curriculum and set up, but I'm not sure if the one has the same scheduler for high school.
Still asking for prayers for our family. There's alot going on that I can't talk about in a public forum right now, but I do promise to update when I can.
I better get some sleep so I can get up early and get the diapers before it starts snowing too hard!
Since we'll all be stuck inside (except when ds goes out to plow and shovel), I figure we should get some work done in here. I'll figure out how to add pictures to my auctions, sort my clothes (and take pictures so people can see that I really do have a *ton* of clothes!), get school work done, pick up and possibly do more blogging! There's more I'll get done. On snow days I try to cram alot in for some reason. I have my kids home all the time since we school at home, so it's not that I have their help then. Can't forget to look for a bed for ds (oldest). His futon broke:( I'm hoping to find one on craigslist at a decent price. Also have to see if dh would be able to go pick it up.
I know I was going to post printables today, but I got busy packing up some stuff to mail out. Of course I lost 2 of the papers I needed to send it all out, but I got out the major stuff. I'll need to check an email about a check I'm due. I may have to contact higher ups about it, but I"m tired of dealing with their arrogance. Then there's the fact my ds wants to change schools. Fine, we can do that, but he needs to finish out the year doing the work at *this* school. Noone else is taking applications for the rest of this year! I have to talk to the one school to see how the day would be set up for him. This one, he has to go to a couple of different places and he's not liking that. He misses his old school, but they had alot of problems with their admin, and it's not straightened out yet. Luckily there's 2 other schools using the same curriculum and set up, but I'm not sure if the one has the same scheduler for high school.
Still asking for prayers for our family. There's alot going on that I can't talk about in a public forum right now, but I do promise to update when I can.
I better get some sleep so I can get up early and get the diapers before it starts snowing too hard!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Still here
We're having some nasty weather tonight and due for a huge storm Thursday - we're talking 12-18 inches of snow!! Of course, last major snow, we got nada:( Dh and I went out to eat tonight to help a middle school band (part of the total check is donated to the school). Then it was a quick trip to the store. How sad is it that we actually *needed* milk and eggs? lol Picked up a few other things while we were there, but not too much.
Changed our tv service. I do have to email the old one since they're going to give me grief. Saying we signed a 2 year agreement. Nope, I agreed to 1 year, and it was hell! All year we had issues with the one receiver. After being told (more than once) it was due to an electrical interruption, I had enough. Considering my tv is in the same outlet and our house is FULL of things that should also trip (like the other receivers! duh).
I'm so tired of adults whining and the ones who feel "entitled". The main one that comes to mind is the Russian skater. I watched the performance. He may have been able to do the quad, but he almost fell on his ass. More than once. It was a great performance for someone who gave it up for over 3 years, but frankly my dear, it wasn't worth gold. Deal with it. Move on. Retire and harass other people cuz quite frankly, I don't need to hear another adult whine!
So much going on here. I'll have to do more cleaning (as usual). I'd like to post some pics of my clothes. Noone believes how many clothes I own. I can open my own store. Really. I should spend some time sorting the littles clothes. There's a huge cleared space in the basement where I can spread out. Have them help me and I should have their outfits matched in no time!
I was so proud the other day! Went grocery shopping and saved over $150!! I did get a picture of what all we got, just need to get it off my oldest's camera. I saved more if you consider some of the items were marked half off already so it didn't show up as any savings. I do have to make up this weeks list and sort my coupons so I can do another trip. I know this tme we have to hit 2 stores. The one I'll be able to stock up on yogurt (the littles eat it for breakfast) - get (4) 4 packs for $3 after coupons! Maybe I'll start eating them as a snack. We do have to keep them downstairs in the fridge - and blocked - or little man gets into them and it can be a mess! lol We had to move the ice cream since he can open the fridge/freezer up here. I'd hear the freezer door close, but see noone (and I'm in sight). Turns out the little turd would have grabbed a carton of ice cream and gone down the hall to the girls room to gorge his little self! What a turd!! lol
Ok, it's late and I need some sleep. I'll be back with some free printables to share. Some coloring pages, bookmarks, school papers, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!
Changed our tv service. I do have to email the old one since they're going to give me grief. Saying we signed a 2 year agreement. Nope, I agreed to 1 year, and it was hell! All year we had issues with the one receiver. After being told (more than once) it was due to an electrical interruption, I had enough. Considering my tv is in the same outlet and our house is FULL of things that should also trip (like the other receivers! duh).
I'm so tired of adults whining and the ones who feel "entitled". The main one that comes to mind is the Russian skater. I watched the performance. He may have been able to do the quad, but he almost fell on his ass. More than once. It was a great performance for someone who gave it up for over 3 years, but frankly my dear, it wasn't worth gold. Deal with it. Move on. Retire and harass other people cuz quite frankly, I don't need to hear another adult whine!
So much going on here. I'll have to do more cleaning (as usual). I'd like to post some pics of my clothes. Noone believes how many clothes I own. I can open my own store. Really. I should spend some time sorting the littles clothes. There's a huge cleared space in the basement where I can spread out. Have them help me and I should have their outfits matched in no time!
I was so proud the other day! Went grocery shopping and saved over $150!! I did get a picture of what all we got, just need to get it off my oldest's camera. I saved more if you consider some of the items were marked half off already so it didn't show up as any savings. I do have to make up this weeks list and sort my coupons so I can do another trip. I know this tme we have to hit 2 stores. The one I'll be able to stock up on yogurt (the littles eat it for breakfast) - get (4) 4 packs for $3 after coupons! Maybe I'll start eating them as a snack. We do have to keep them downstairs in the fridge - and blocked - or little man gets into them and it can be a mess! lol We had to move the ice cream since he can open the fridge/freezer up here. I'd hear the freezer door close, but see noone (and I'm in sight). Turns out the little turd would have grabbed a carton of ice cream and gone down the hall to the girls room to gorge his little self! What a turd!! lol
Ok, it's late and I need some sleep. I'll be back with some free printables to share. Some coloring pages, bookmarks, school papers, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!
thrifty shopping,
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Busy day
I'm a little calmer now, but I'm still dealing with my anxiety. So to keep busy I've been listing like mad on webstore.com. Alot of curriculum that my kids schools sent and didn't ask to be returned. I'm trying to go through stuff since we moved and I have * some* space to spread out and move about. I'm hoping to sell enough so there's enough space to make a workout room in the basement for us. Really all depends what happens here. *sigh*
If anyone wants to go browse a *free* auction site you can check out my auctions. *grin* http://Shelszoo.webstore.com (I hope I did that right!!) I have a bunch of curriculum up and a few bras. I didn't want to add more clothes yet since for some reason my pictures aren't showing up. I'll have to contact them about it since I have totes full of clothes I want to list!
Okay, I updated my blogs - again. Time to go list a few more things!
If anyone wants to go browse a *free* auction site you can check out my auctions. *grin* http://Shelszoo.webstore.com (I hope I did that right!!) I have a bunch of curriculum up and a few bras. I didn't want to add more clothes yet since for some reason my pictures aren't showing up. I'll have to contact them about it since I have totes full of clothes I want to list!
Okay, I updated my blogs - again. Time to go list a few more things!
Prayers needed
We're going through some stuff right now (family related) and could really use prayers. My nerves are shot and I honestly can't see any resolution that is remotely favorable for us. I probably won't be around here much as I'll be listing a *lot* for sale on webstore.com (shelszoo). It's not going to help, but it will help with decluttering.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Another week has started
Another week has begun and I'm not as far along as I'd like to be. I did manage to take pictures last night of some of the stuff I'll be listing to sell on webstore.com, but that's about all. *sigh* I even tried to list some of those items today, but for whatever reason the site was having issues with me. So, I guess I'll have to wait a bit and try later. Maybe take more pictures of the clothes I have to sell. That will take *days*, but I can start! I did open a store there, so it might make it easier for me to sell large quantities.
The supposed snow we were to get bombed out on us. Bummer! It was said we would get 4-8 inches. Then it was downgraded to 1-2 inches. We didn't even manage a dusting! Meteorologists have it easy. "The storm took an unexpected path and missed us" is their excuse.
My mail has been pretty good so far. I keep requesting "more information" for vacations and relocating. So lots of fun brochures and booklets. I love looking at the homes and comparing prices to what is available here to what they want for a similar house *there*. I've come to the realization PA is expensive. I know what our one neighbors paid for their house (they moved in after us, and it was in the paper), and I've seen similar houses for $100K less!! Maybe if I get serious about decluttering and keep bugging dh, in a few years he'll agree to move. Not likely, but maybe if I get the littles involved. :) It would be nice to get away and start over away from certain people and stresses that we've been dealing with here.
I still have to gather up tax papers so I can do our taxes. There's the house taxes we paid, dh's medical expenses, dh's work expenses (tools and phone). I have all the social security numbers together (we have 6 kids, and not everything has been found after last years move). That money is being used for our vacation. Didn't get one last year due to this estate crap we're still dealing with. Plus some people don't live up to what they say. Whatever. All I have to say is... Karma.
I finally found the Olympics during the day! I knew they were on, but for some reason I couldn't find them. Now to hope dh recorded them since I missed most of curling (we love to watch that one). Don't care much for the hockey. If I list all my auctions before dh gets home, I may watch the Olympics tonight downstairs while I do some stuff on the computer down there - like our taxes!! lol Plus I'd like to do some credit letters (trying to clear up my credit), copy some papers, and do up some business letters. I also need to find the online place that does copies super cheap and get an order ready to send there. We're talking super cheap copies, and with my printer acting stupid after a few copies, I'll let them handle my copy needs. I'll need to check, but I'm thinking they do a free shipping with a certain order size. That shouldn't be a problem!
It's Tuesday, but for some reason it feels like Monday. Maybe because yesterday was a holiday? DH still had to go to work (when you work service, you only get the big holidays off), but there was no mail. How sad is it that mail is a highlight of my day? lol
All right. Time to stop blogging and see if I can get my stuff listed. Actually accomplish something today instead of sitting on here being bored! If you're interested check out my auctions. www.Shelszoo.webstore.com
The supposed snow we were to get bombed out on us. Bummer! It was said we would get 4-8 inches. Then it was downgraded to 1-2 inches. We didn't even manage a dusting! Meteorologists have it easy. "The storm took an unexpected path and missed us" is their excuse.
My mail has been pretty good so far. I keep requesting "more information" for vacations and relocating. So lots of fun brochures and booklets. I love looking at the homes and comparing prices to what is available here to what they want for a similar house *there*. I've come to the realization PA is expensive. I know what our one neighbors paid for their house (they moved in after us, and it was in the paper), and I've seen similar houses for $100K less!! Maybe if I get serious about decluttering and keep bugging dh, in a few years he'll agree to move. Not likely, but maybe if I get the littles involved. :) It would be nice to get away and start over away from certain people and stresses that we've been dealing with here.
I still have to gather up tax papers so I can do our taxes. There's the house taxes we paid, dh's medical expenses, dh's work expenses (tools and phone). I have all the social security numbers together (we have 6 kids, and not everything has been found after last years move). That money is being used for our vacation. Didn't get one last year due to this estate crap we're still dealing with. Plus some people don't live up to what they say. Whatever. All I have to say is... Karma.
I finally found the Olympics during the day! I knew they were on, but for some reason I couldn't find them. Now to hope dh recorded them since I missed most of curling (we love to watch that one). Don't care much for the hockey. If I list all my auctions before dh gets home, I may watch the Olympics tonight downstairs while I do some stuff on the computer down there - like our taxes!! lol Plus I'd like to do some credit letters (trying to clear up my credit), copy some papers, and do up some business letters. I also need to find the online place that does copies super cheap and get an order ready to send there. We're talking super cheap copies, and with my printer acting stupid after a few copies, I'll let them handle my copy needs. I'll need to check, but I'm thinking they do a free shipping with a certain order size. That shouldn't be a problem!
It's Tuesday, but for some reason it feels like Monday. Maybe because yesterday was a holiday? DH still had to go to work (when you work service, you only get the big holidays off), but there was no mail. How sad is it that mail is a highlight of my day? lol
All right. Time to stop blogging and see if I can get my stuff listed. Actually accomplish something today instead of sitting on here being bored! If you're interested check out my auctions. www.Shelszoo.webstore.com
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Finally! We're finally getting more than a nuisance amount of snow! I always have the kids home with me - since I cyber/ home school them. They won't have a day off of school, but since it's going to be really bad out, I'll have dh home. He'll only have to go out if there's a no heat call. I should be able to get more cleaning done along with listing more stuff for sale on webstore.com (look for shelszoo there!!), and maybe even finish trying on my clothes! If I'm really ambitious, I'll get most of my clothes away (it's a long story, but I don't have a closet, and not much space right now for my clothes) and sort the girls' stuff into outfits and get them away.
I'm wondering how some mom's seem to find so muc time to blog. I know I'm not one of the majority whose kids go to bed early (yeah, like going to bed at 8 would go over well with my crew! lmao!), but we're not early morning people. I'd love to blog more, but things don't get done so as it is around here.
Can you search blogger for certain blogs? I had seen some really nice cupcake ones weeks ago, just by hitting next blog. Haven't seen any since. I didn't click follow either for some reason.
I have most of the stuff together for the one bingo. I just need to print out the certificates yet for a free Bella Bead. I have to get ahold of the woman for the other bingo I'm donating to and find out when she wants the stuff. I think she said beginning of March, which gives me some time to figure out what to give her. Plus we'll be able to take orders on the Uppercase Living sites with credit cards! I'm hoping it's for all Demo's (which is how I read the announcement), and that I don't have to upgrade. That would help get orders from people who don't live close - plus I'm carless right now. *sigh*
It's late and I'm actually tired. I better take advantage of it and get some sleep. Maybe I'll get alot done tomorrow and be able to realx a bit!
I'm wondering how some mom's seem to find so muc time to blog. I know I'm not one of the majority whose kids go to bed early (yeah, like going to bed at 8 would go over well with my crew! lmao!), but we're not early morning people. I'd love to blog more, but things don't get done so as it is around here.
Can you search blogger for certain blogs? I had seen some really nice cupcake ones weeks ago, just by hitting next blog. Haven't seen any since. I didn't click follow either for some reason.
I have most of the stuff together for the one bingo. I just need to print out the certificates yet for a free Bella Bead. I have to get ahold of the woman for the other bingo I'm donating to and find out when she wants the stuff. I think she said beginning of March, which gives me some time to figure out what to give her. Plus we'll be able to take orders on the Uppercase Living sites with credit cards! I'm hoping it's for all Demo's (which is how I read the announcement), and that I don't have to upgrade. That would help get orders from people who don't live close - plus I'm carless right now. *sigh*
It's late and I'm actually tired. I better take advantage of it and get some sleep. Maybe I'll get alot done tomorrow and be able to realx a bit!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Career change?
I've been looking through some books and magazines and gathering links to help people. With all the lay offs and bad economy, plus it's getting to be graduation time, I thought it would be a good time to post. I have a bunch of links that will help you figure out what you're best suited for, places teens cn do apprenticeships/ internships, a couple of links about colleges, and more. Not everyone needs to go to college to get a good job, and I'd like to help them figure out their strengths.
careergames.com - find what you were meant to do
EUREKA.org - creer assessments
online.onetcenter.org/skills - help find a career
self-directed-search.com - matches strengths with careers
bls.gov/oco/home.htm - matches jobs with needed training, earnings, etc.
bestplaces.net - relocation information
careervoyages.gov - explore in demand careers
rileyguide.com/intern.htm - internships, apprenticeships, volunteer opps
nextsteps.org - Calgary based career planning
roadtripnation.com - find out about jobs from people working them
martynemko.com - career blog (SF writer)
bls.gov/opub/ooq/2000/fall/art03.pdf - job corps, Ameri corps, Peace Corps article
learnovation.com - preparing people for the workforce
stats.bls.gov/opub/ooq/1999/fall/art02.pdf - high earners who don't have a bachelor's degree
quintcareers.com/teens.html - teen jobs, careers, college
ipl.org/div/teen - teen site lots of help for teens here for school, work, and more
myfuture.com - military opps, money matters, beyond high school, career toolbox
collegeboard.com/?student - all about going to college (tests, applying, financial aid and more)
utexas.edu/world/univ/state - all colleges and universities
braintrack.com - university and college search
onlinedegrees.com/ - online degrees, distance learning courses
careeronestop.org - tools to help job seekers, sponsored by the US Dept. of Labor
nnkol.org/StreamingFutures/ -free help teens find right career path
http://people.rit.edu/~gtfsbi/Symp/highschool.htm - coop/ intern opportunities
collegeboard.com/article/0,3868,2-7-0-8382,00.html - plan for college
microsoft.com/College/highschool/highschool.mspx - university and MBA careers
rileyguide.com/teen.html - teen, seasonal and "kinda coo;" opportunities
jobshadow.org - job shadowing
unite.com - helping LA's (CA) students with education and training
virtualjobshadow.com/vjs.asp - online job shadow
dol.gov/odep/programs/dmd.htm - job shadowing for students with disabilities
netmentors.org - career development e-mentoring for kids
princetonreview.com - SAT prep, find colleges
monstertrak.com - top job network for college students and recent grads
cdm.uwaterloo.ca/ - career services e-manual for Canada
bearcave.com/misl/misl_other/college_grad_unemployment.html - article from 2004
self-directed-search.com - career that match your abilities and interests
epinet.org/content.cfm/webfeatures_viewpoints_education_limits - article telling the limits of always looking for a higher degree
changingcourse.com - changing careers
meaningfulcareers.com - find something meaningful to do ith your life
moneycentral.msn.com/content/SavingandDebt/Managedebt/p107758.asp - 4 fixes for the student loan trap
go to msn.com click personal finance click family/college for some good articles to help
campusinternships.com - internships
jobdig.com/ - search jobs nationwide
jobhunt.com/ net employment resources
salary.com - findout what your position pays in other places
jobcorps.org - free education & training program
feedthepig.org - budgeting and savings tips
I do think that's all I have on that. I'll be posting work at home places and ideas in a future post along with homeschool links (free and some that cost), tons of printable links for kids and adults (calendars, shopping lists, etc.), and more. If you have any requests, just put them in comments and I'll see what I can do. I'm hoping to get my freezer cooking links all together again. My main one was shut down (the owner wasn't aware her server was going down), so now we're waiting for her to find a new server and to get her stuff posted again. Such a help on a busy day to have a meal ready to go!
Thanks for stopping by! Please go check out my other blog www.ShelszooSuperstores.blogspot.com and see the pictures I have of the things I sell.
Have a great weekend!
careergames.com - find what you were meant to do
EUREKA.org - creer assessments
online.onetcenter.org/skills - help find a career
self-directed-search.com - matches strengths with careers
bls.gov/oco/home.htm - matches jobs with needed training, earnings, etc.
bestplaces.net - relocation information
careervoyages.gov - explore in demand careers
rileyguide.com/intern.htm - internships, apprenticeships, volunteer opps
nextsteps.org - Calgary based career planning
roadtripnation.com - find out about jobs from people working them
martynemko.com - career blog (SF writer)
bls.gov/opub/ooq/2000/fall/art03.pdf - job corps, Ameri corps, Peace Corps article
learnovation.com - preparing people for the workforce
stats.bls.gov/opub/ooq/1999/fall/art02.pdf - high earners who don't have a bachelor's degree
quintcareers.com/teens.html - teen jobs, careers, college
ipl.org/div/teen - teen site lots of help for teens here for school, work, and more
myfuture.com - military opps, money matters, beyond high school, career toolbox
collegeboard.com/?student - all about going to college (tests, applying, financial aid and more)
utexas.edu/world/univ/state - all colleges and universities
braintrack.com - university and college search
onlinedegrees.com/ - online degrees, distance learning courses
careeronestop.org - tools to help job seekers, sponsored by the US Dept. of Labor
nnkol.org/StreamingFutures/ -free help teens find right career path
http://people.rit.edu/~gtfsbi/Symp/highschool.htm - coop/ intern opportunities
collegeboard.com/article/0,3868,2-7-0-8382,00.html - plan for college
microsoft.com/College/highschool/highschool.mspx - university and MBA careers
rileyguide.com/teen.html - teen, seasonal and "kinda coo;" opportunities
jobshadow.org - job shadowing
unite.com - helping LA's (CA) students with education and training
virtualjobshadow.com/vjs.asp - online job shadow
dol.gov/odep/programs/dmd.htm - job shadowing for students with disabilities
netmentors.org - career development e-mentoring for kids
princetonreview.com - SAT prep, find colleges
monstertrak.com - top job network for college students and recent grads
cdm.uwaterloo.ca/ - career services e-manual for Canada
bearcave.com/misl/misl_other/college_grad_unemployment.html - article from 2004
self-directed-search.com - career that match your abilities and interests
epinet.org/content.cfm/webfeatures_viewpoints_education_limits - article telling the limits of always looking for a higher degree
changingcourse.com - changing careers
meaningfulcareers.com - find something meaningful to do ith your life
moneycentral.msn.com/content/SavingandDebt/Managedebt/p107758.asp - 4 fixes for the student loan trap
go to msn.com click personal finance click family/college for some good articles to help
campusinternships.com - internships
jobdig.com/ - search jobs nationwide
jobhunt.com/ net employment resources
salary.com - findout what your position pays in other places
jobcorps.org - free education & training program
feedthepig.org - budgeting and savings tips
I do think that's all I have on that. I'll be posting work at home places and ideas in a future post along with homeschool links (free and some that cost), tons of printable links for kids and adults (calendars, shopping lists, etc.), and more. If you have any requests, just put them in comments and I'll see what I can do. I'm hoping to get my freezer cooking links all together again. My main one was shut down (the owner wasn't aware her server was going down), so now we're waiting for her to find a new server and to get her stuff posted again. Such a help on a busy day to have a meal ready to go!
Thanks for stopping by! Please go check out my other blog www.ShelszooSuperstores.blogspot.com and see the pictures I have of the things I sell.
Have a great weekend!
job corps
Snowy Saturday
We did get some snow, but how said is it that states to the south of us got slammed and we barely got 6 inches? The kids went out and played for a bit, but of course, we can't find half of the boots or mittens we have in the house. *sigh*
I spent some time in the girls' room and, let's just say, I'll be going back. There will not be any "before" pics. It's that bad in there. There's boxes that were put in there (why? Not quite sure), that can go to the burn pile. Lots of trash. Found a fork, 2 spoons, 2 bowls and a plate. Funny, they're not supposed to eat in there! *sigh* Should keep me busy for the rest of the day - if I don't mess up my back in there. It's happened before. I turn the wrong way and I can't move for a week.
I still need to get some business letters made up and printed. I should start looking for a better printer. If I'm going to do alot of printing for my businesses, I should have one that can handle it all. Either that or I need to put in my order for the place online that has cheap printing - and does a good job with quick shipping according to people that have used them. I know where my envelopes are, but my stamps? Not right now. I'll need more, but I should have enough to get out a dozen or so letters.
My main goal for the weekend? Besides the girls' room and business stuff? Getting our taxes done. It would be nice to have them done with early, but with things still questionable on the job front, not sure we should use it for a vacation (desperately needed by all in the house).
My nerves are now shot thanks to people in this house. I'm just going to go lock myself away in the girls' room where noone can get to me. Literally. I climb over stuff to get into the center of the room and work my way back out. Maybe people will take a nap and wake up with a better attitude.
I spent some time in the girls' room and, let's just say, I'll be going back. There will not be any "before" pics. It's that bad in there. There's boxes that were put in there (why? Not quite sure), that can go to the burn pile. Lots of trash. Found a fork, 2 spoons, 2 bowls and a plate. Funny, they're not supposed to eat in there! *sigh* Should keep me busy for the rest of the day - if I don't mess up my back in there. It's happened before. I turn the wrong way and I can't move for a week.
I still need to get some business letters made up and printed. I should start looking for a better printer. If I'm going to do alot of printing for my businesses, I should have one that can handle it all. Either that or I need to put in my order for the place online that has cheap printing - and does a good job with quick shipping according to people that have used them. I know where my envelopes are, but my stamps? Not right now. I'll need more, but I should have enough to get out a dozen or so letters.
My main goal for the weekend? Besides the girls' room and business stuff? Getting our taxes done. It would be nice to have them done with early, but with things still questionable on the job front, not sure we should use it for a vacation (desperately needed by all in the house).
My nerves are now shot thanks to people in this house. I'm just going to go lock myself away in the girls' room where noone can get to me. Literally. I climb over stuff to get into the center of the room and work my way back out. Maybe people will take a nap and wake up with a better attitude.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Coupons anyone?
Tonight I was watching the news with dh to get an update on the snow going to hit tomorrow and they had a segment on coupons. These are companies that will send you coupons! Some are the harder to find - natural and organic - and I wanted to share my find! Since I plan to be snowed in (well, sort of) this weekend, I promise to get on the apprenticeship/ job sharing/ figure out what you want to be post. Since my stores won't accept computer printed coupons, guess who's going to set up a new email and start emailing? At least it'll keep me off FB! lol Enjoy!!
Alexia www.alexiafoods.com
Amy's www.amyskitchen.com
Apple & Eve www.appleandeve.com
Arrowhead Mills www.arrowheadmills.com
Born Free/Radlo Foods www.radlo.com
Clif www.clifbar.com
Coleman www.colemannatural.com
Country Choice www.countrychoicenaturals.com
Earth's Best www.earthsbest.com
Earthbound Farm www.ebfarm.com
Eggland's Best www.egglandsbest.com
Ians www.iansnaturalfoods.com
Kashi www.kashi.com
Lakewood www.lakewoodjuices.com
Lundberg www.lundberg.com
Mrs. Meyer's www.mrsmeyers.com
Rachel's www.rachelsdairy.com
R.W. Knudsen Family www.knudsenjuices.com
Rudi's Organic Bakery www.rudisbakery.com
Santa Cruz Organics www.scojuice.com
Soy Dream www.tastethedream.com
Stonyfield Farm www.stonyfield.com
Sue Bee Honey www.suebee.com
Traditional Medicinals www.traditionalmedicinals.com
Vans International Foods www.vansfoods.com
Yogi www.yogiproducts.com
Amy's Kitchen www.amyskitchen.com
Bar S www.bar-s.com
Barber Foods www.barberfoods.com
Bayer/Flintstones Vitamins www.flintstonesvitamins.com
Birds Eye Foods www.birdseyefoods.com
Carl Buddig & Company www.buddig.com
Chiquita/Fresh Express www.freshexpress.com
Citrus World/Florida's Natural www.floridasnatural.com
Colgate-Palmolive www.colgate.com/app/Colgate/US/HomePage.cvsp
The Dannon Company www.dannon.com
Dean Foods/Garelick Farms www.garelickfarms.com
Frito-Lay/Tostitos www.tostitos.com
General Mills/Yoplait http://yoplait.com
George Weston Bakeries (Bimbo and Boboli) www.boboli.com
Grand Brands/True Lemon www.truelemon.com
The Hain Celestial Group www.celestialseasonings.com
The Hain Celestial Group/Terra Chips www.terrachips.com
H.J. Heinz Company www.heinz.com
H.J. Heinz Company/Lea & Perrins www.leaperrins.com
Interstate Bakeries Corporation/Wonder www.wonderbread.com/#/home
Jasper Wyman & Son www.wymans.com
Johnson & Johnson www.jnj.com/connect
Johnson & Johnson/Viactiv www.viactiv.com/index.jhtml
Ken's Foods/Sweet Baby Ray's www.sweetbabyrays.com
Kimberly Clark/Kotex www.kotex.com/na/default.aspx
Martin's Famous Pastry Shoppe www.martinspotatorolls.com/pages/about.asp
McCormick & Company www.mccormick.com
Mt. Olive Pickle Company www.mtolivepickles.com
Ocean Spray Cranberries http://oceanspray.com
Nestlé/Edy's www.edys.com
Nestlé/Purina http://catchow.com
P&G http://pgpromotions.archway.com
P&G/Cheer www.cheer.com Click on Promotions link
P&G Febreze www.newfebreeze.com/coupon/MailRequest.php
Pepperidge Farm www.pepperidgefarm.com
Perdue www.perdue.com
Pillsbury/Smucker's www.smuckers.com
Reckitt Benckiser/Electrasol http://electrasol.com
S.C. Johnson & Son/Glade www.glade.com
S.C. Johnson & Son/Pledge www.pledge.com
S.C. Johnson & Son/Saran www.saranbrands.com
Tetley www.tetleyusa.com Turkey Hill Dairy http://turkeyhill.com
Tyson Foods www.tyson.com
Unilever/Ragú www.ragu.com
Zatarain's http://zatarains.com
Companies That Mail Coupons in Response to an E-mail Request Via Their Website
Amy's Kitchen www.amyskitchen.com
Bar S www.bar-s.com
Barber Foods www.barberfoods.com
Bayer/Flintstones Vitamins www.flintstonesvitamins.com
Birds Eye Foods www.birdseyefoods.com
Carl Buddig & Company www.buddig.com
Chiquita/Fresh Express www.freshexpress.com
Citrus World/Florida's Natural www.floridasnatural.com
Colgate-Palmolive www.colgate.com/app/Colgate/US/HomePage.cvsp
The Dannon Company www.dannon.com
Dean Foods/Garelick Farms www.garelickfarms.com and www.deanfoods.com/brands.aspx
Frito-Lay/Tostitos www.tostitos.com
General Mills/Yoplait http://yoplait.com
George Weston Bakeries (Bimbo and Boboli) www.boboli.com
Grand Brands/True Lemon www.truelemon.com
The Hain Celestial Group www.celestialseasonings.com
The Hain Celestial Group/Terra Chips www.terrachips.com
H.J. Heinz Company www.heinz.com
H.J. Heinz Company/Lea & Perrins www.leaperrins.com
Interstate Bakeries Corporation/Wonder www.wonderbread.com/#/home
Jasper Wyman & Son www.wymans.com
Johnson & Johnson www.jnj.com/connect
Johnson & Johnson/Viactiv www.viactiv.com/index.jhtml
Ken's Foods/Sweet Baby Ray's www.sweetbabyrays.com
Kimberly Clark/Kotex www.kotex.com/na/default.aspx
Martin's Famous Pastry Shoppe www.martinspotatorolls.com/pages/about.asp
McCormick & Company www.mccormick.com
Mt. Olive Pickle Company www.mtolivepickles.com
Ocean Spray Cranberries http://oceanspray.com
Nestlé/Edy's www.edys.com
Nestlé/Purina http://catchow.com
P&G http://pgpromotions.archway.com
P&G/Cheer www.cheer.com
Click on Promotions link P&G Febreze www.newfebreeze.com/coupon/MailRequest.php
Pepperidge Farm www.pepperidgefarm.com
Perdue www.perdue.com
Pillsbury/Smucker's www.smuckers.com
Reckitt Benckiser/Electrasol http://electrasol.com
S.C. Johnson & Son/Glade www.glade.com
S.C. Johnson & Son/Pledge www.pledge.com
S.C. Johnson & Son/Saran www.saranbrands.com
Tetley www.tetleyusa.com
Turkey Hill Dairy http://turkeyhill.com
Tyson Foods www.tyson.com
Unilever/Ragú www.ragu.com
Zatarain's http://zatarains.com
Alexia www.alexiafoods.com
Amy's www.amyskitchen.com
Apple & Eve www.appleandeve.com
Arrowhead Mills www.arrowheadmills.com
Born Free/Radlo Foods www.radlo.com
Clif www.clifbar.com
Coleman www.colemannatural.com
Country Choice www.countrychoicenaturals.com
Earth's Best www.earthsbest.com
Earthbound Farm www.ebfarm.com
Eggland's Best www.egglandsbest.com
Ians www.iansnaturalfoods.com
Kashi www.kashi.com
Lakewood www.lakewoodjuices.com
Lundberg www.lundberg.com
Mrs. Meyer's www.mrsmeyers.com
Rachel's www.rachelsdairy.com
R.W. Knudsen Family www.knudsenjuices.com
Rudi's Organic Bakery www.rudisbakery.com
Santa Cruz Organics www.scojuice.com
Soy Dream www.tastethedream.com
Stonyfield Farm www.stonyfield.com
Sue Bee Honey www.suebee.com
Traditional Medicinals www.traditionalmedicinals.com
Vans International Foods www.vansfoods.com
Yogi www.yogiproducts.com
Amy's Kitchen www.amyskitchen.com
Bar S www.bar-s.com
Barber Foods www.barberfoods.com
Bayer/Flintstones Vitamins www.flintstonesvitamins.com
Birds Eye Foods www.birdseyefoods.com
Carl Buddig & Company www.buddig.com
Chiquita/Fresh Express www.freshexpress.com
Citrus World/Florida's Natural www.floridasnatural.com
Colgate-Palmolive www.colgate.com/app/Colgate/US/HomePage.cvsp
The Dannon Company www.dannon.com
Dean Foods/Garelick Farms www.garelickfarms.com
Frito-Lay/Tostitos www.tostitos.com
General Mills/Yoplait http://yoplait.com
George Weston Bakeries (Bimbo and Boboli) www.boboli.com
Grand Brands/True Lemon www.truelemon.com
The Hain Celestial Group www.celestialseasonings.com
The Hain Celestial Group/Terra Chips www.terrachips.com
H.J. Heinz Company www.heinz.com
H.J. Heinz Company/Lea & Perrins www.leaperrins.com
Interstate Bakeries Corporation/Wonder www.wonderbread.com/#/home
Jasper Wyman & Son www.wymans.com
Johnson & Johnson www.jnj.com/connect
Johnson & Johnson/Viactiv www.viactiv.com/index.jhtml
Ken's Foods/Sweet Baby Ray's www.sweetbabyrays.com
Kimberly Clark/Kotex www.kotex.com/na/default.aspx
Martin's Famous Pastry Shoppe www.martinspotatorolls.com/pages/about.asp
McCormick & Company www.mccormick.com
Mt. Olive Pickle Company www.mtolivepickles.com
Ocean Spray Cranberries http://oceanspray.com
Nestlé/Edy's www.edys.com
Nestlé/Purina http://catchow.com
P&G http://pgpromotions.archway.com
P&G/Cheer www.cheer.com Click on Promotions link
P&G Febreze www.newfebreeze.com/coupon/MailRequest.php
Pepperidge Farm www.pepperidgefarm.com
Perdue www.perdue.com
Pillsbury/Smucker's www.smuckers.com
Reckitt Benckiser/Electrasol http://electrasol.com
S.C. Johnson & Son/Glade www.glade.com
S.C. Johnson & Son/Pledge www.pledge.com
S.C. Johnson & Son/Saran www.saranbrands.com
Tetley www.tetleyusa.com Turkey Hill Dairy http://turkeyhill.com
Tyson Foods www.tyson.com
Unilever/Ragú www.ragu.com
Zatarain's http://zatarains.com
Companies That Mail Coupons in Response to an E-mail Request Via Their Website
Amy's Kitchen www.amyskitchen.com
Bar S www.bar-s.com
Barber Foods www.barberfoods.com
Bayer/Flintstones Vitamins www.flintstonesvitamins.com
Birds Eye Foods www.birdseyefoods.com
Carl Buddig & Company www.buddig.com
Chiquita/Fresh Express www.freshexpress.com
Citrus World/Florida's Natural www.floridasnatural.com
Colgate-Palmolive www.colgate.com/app/Colgate/US/HomePage.cvsp
The Dannon Company www.dannon.com
Dean Foods/Garelick Farms www.garelickfarms.com and www.deanfoods.com/brands.aspx
Frito-Lay/Tostitos www.tostitos.com
General Mills/Yoplait http://yoplait.com
George Weston Bakeries (Bimbo and Boboli) www.boboli.com
Grand Brands/True Lemon www.truelemon.com
The Hain Celestial Group www.celestialseasonings.com
The Hain Celestial Group/Terra Chips www.terrachips.com
H.J. Heinz Company www.heinz.com
H.J. Heinz Company/Lea & Perrins www.leaperrins.com
Interstate Bakeries Corporation/Wonder www.wonderbread.com/#/home
Jasper Wyman & Son www.wymans.com
Johnson & Johnson www.jnj.com/connect
Johnson & Johnson/Viactiv www.viactiv.com/index.jhtml
Ken's Foods/Sweet Baby Ray's www.sweetbabyrays.com
Kimberly Clark/Kotex www.kotex.com/na/default.aspx
Martin's Famous Pastry Shoppe www.martinspotatorolls.com/pages/about.asp
McCormick & Company www.mccormick.com
Mt. Olive Pickle Company www.mtolivepickles.com
Ocean Spray Cranberries http://oceanspray.com
Nestlé/Edy's www.edys.com
Nestlé/Purina http://catchow.com
P&G http://pgpromotions.archway.com
P&G/Cheer www.cheer.com
Click on Promotions link P&G Febreze www.newfebreeze.com/coupon/MailRequest.php
Pepperidge Farm www.pepperidgefarm.com
Perdue www.perdue.com
Pillsbury/Smucker's www.smuckers.com
Reckitt Benckiser/Electrasol http://electrasol.com
S.C. Johnson & Son/Glade www.glade.com
S.C. Johnson & Son/Pledge www.pledge.com
S.C. Johnson & Son/Saran www.saranbrands.com
Tetley www.tetleyusa.com
Turkey Hill Dairy http://turkeyhill.com
Tyson Foods www.tyson.com
Unilever/Ragú www.ragu.com
Zatarain's http://zatarains.com
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
It's only Tuesday? Ugh. Didn't get as much done today as I planned, but I did manage to get a little more organized. Since it's snowing tonight I won't be able to burn tomorrow (always wastes my whole day having to be outside), I should be able to clear my to do list for the week. Dh would love it if I finished going through all of my clothes - except I keep finding more! We moved in here a year ago and I'm nowhere near done unpacking. I did find a FREE auction/ selling site that I'm taking advantage of though. So far I have a couple of books up for sale (adding pictures tomorrow), and will spend the rest of the week adding clothes and books. It's easier for me to take boxes to the PO than to have a yard sale. Even with a huge driveway, it's a huge deal to set up and get organized. If we had a garage I'd be able to spread out and spend as much time as I need getting my stuff together.
I managed to get into my gmail tonight without freezing up too often or getting kicked offline. I need to get some contact info for a Noah's Ark party and 2 people emails for bingo's I'm giving donations for. That should help get my name out there too! I'm still doing the fundraiser for Lifechurch's orphanage, if anyone's interested, go to my other blog (ShelszooSuperstores.blogspot.com) and check my links. If you have any problem with my websites or ordering, you can email me at pacybermom@yahoo.com and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I try to check that one during the day while I'm doing school with my kids.
I've added some pictures from Uppercase Living so you can see someplaces you can use our product. I have more pictures on my other blog too. If you need any ideas, jut ask! I have more photos, and I have a great group of ladies I can ask for help with ideas. You can put this on your car, boat, RV, golf cart, mirrors, walls, or wherever you want!

Yes, you can put Uppercase Living on your floors with no damage. They come up easily enough (so you can use it for weddings, parties or just your entrance), and will leave no marks behind.

Nice idea for stairs in your home.

Guest room. Uppercase Living.
I managed to get into my gmail tonight without freezing up too often or getting kicked offline. I need to get some contact info for a Noah's Ark party and 2 people emails for bingo's I'm giving donations for. That should help get my name out there too! I'm still doing the fundraiser for Lifechurch's orphanage, if anyone's interested, go to my other blog (ShelszooSuperstores.blogspot.com) and check my links. If you have any problem with my websites or ordering, you can email me at pacybermom@yahoo.com and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I try to check that one during the day while I'm doing school with my kids.
I've added some pictures from Uppercase Living so you can see someplaces you can use our product. I have more pictures on my other blog too. If you need any ideas, jut ask! I have more photos, and I have a great group of ladies I can ask for help with ideas. You can put this on your car, boat, RV, golf cart, mirrors, walls, or wherever you want!

Yes, you can put Uppercase Living on your floors with no damage. They come up easily enough (so you can use it for weddings, parties or just your entrance), and will leave no marks behind.

Nice idea for stairs in your home.

Guest room. Uppercase Living.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Free homeschooling site
Just a quick post. A free homeschool site to help cut costs there! I'll be back later today. I have links to check, and I'm going to be taking a bunch of pics so I can list more on webstore.com (I'm shelszoo there). Check it out. A free site to sell stuff!
Just a quick post. A free homeschool site to help cut costs there! I'll be back later today. I have links to check, and I'm going to be taking a bunch of pics so I can list more on webstore.com (I'm shelszoo there). Check it out. A free site to sell stuff!
Sad day
I was just informed from my friend that a 15 year old boy has died. *sigh* He and his brother had been in a serious car accident a few days ago. His brother is still in the hospital fighting for his life. They were part of the community, good kids who played sports. I never met them, but I do have kids of my own and this is one of my worst nightmares. Take a minute today to hug your kids and tell them you love them. You never know what tomorrow may bring.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Here it is hump day and I didn't get as much done as I'd hoped. Dh took a day off since they were slow at work. I'd rather he'd have stayed and saved the paid day off for a family fun day. Need the money right now!
Trying to get some stuff listd to sell - if I can find the free site a friend sent me yesterday. I'll be uploading picture to my other blog for my businesses. I'm having a fundraiser for a local church so they can move their orphanage there. Should take a bit since I'm not sure how to add them to a blog.
I may have someone to buy the truck! Woohoo!! That'll help with bills. Just need to get it emptied out now. *sigh* It was nice using it for storage! lol Still looking for the van's title so that can go too. I know I have to spend more time in the basement to make room for all that'll come in - including the car bed parts for little man.
Tomorrow I get to go to a ladies night out. *grin* Yep, no men or kids allowed. Just hoping to sell the truck so I can buy something! Paid a bunch of bills and now we're waiting for payday again. I did manage to get a bunch of groceries cheap today. A bunch of marked down bread (I took all they had out), plus Hamburger Helper (.84 plus had $1 off 3 coupons I used, and I got all my coupons worth), some yogurts (a 6 pk drinkable for $1 after coupon, then a couple new ones *free* after coupon). I also got the Christmas tree butter for .59 each and picked up a sour cream cheap after coupon. Now I know I need to organize all of my coupons since I can go back Saturday after wrestling for more free yogurts! The littles love it for a snack! I also got pretzels and dh some chips with coupons for $1 a bag. The bigger bags:)
Managed to finish painting the downstairs bath. Not sure why we painted it (okay, that old floral panelling had *something* to do with it!), since it's going to be gutted and redone once things are settled here. Hoping to have this estate settles soon. That's just another stressor in my life, and one I can do without! It make me feel alot better when the neighbors tell us (every time they see us) how much better the house looks since we've been here. Considering how this place looked when we moved in, just knocking it down and starting over would have been better. Not even getting into making the list of what needs done in each room since it'll just overwhelm me. We're just focusing on getting what needs done on the CO to clear that.
I can't wait to do our garden again and this time do more landscaping out front! Definitely need some curb appeal. I'll be looking at the blogs, websites and magazines trying to figure out what do where. We get lot of sun out front (east facing), plus there's not alot of trees in my area. Our garden did well last year, just need to tweak a few things for this year. I'd like to find a community plot so we can add to what we grow. When you feed 8 people, you need to make alot of food!!
I am dreading doing our taxes. Just alot went on last year, and it'll make doing taxes that much more stressful. Then again, I want them done so we can book our vacation. We desperately *need* time away from here. Didn't get to go last year since we had to keep 2 households going (bill wise), finish schooling, and get the other house ready to sell - and me without a car and the other house 6 miles away!
If you want to help with my fundraiser, hop on over to ShelszooSuperstores.blogspot.com and check it out. Just know I'm new to this whole blog thing:) I will be putting pictures there later tonight. I need to decide which ones showcase Uppercase Living the best.
I've rambled enough for today. Thanks for stopping by and I hope I didn't put you to sleep!
Trying to get some stuff listd to sell - if I can find the free site a friend sent me yesterday. I'll be uploading picture to my other blog for my businesses. I'm having a fundraiser for a local church so they can move their orphanage there. Should take a bit since I'm not sure how to add them to a blog.
I may have someone to buy the truck! Woohoo!! That'll help with bills. Just need to get it emptied out now. *sigh* It was nice using it for storage! lol Still looking for the van's title so that can go too. I know I have to spend more time in the basement to make room for all that'll come in - including the car bed parts for little man.
Tomorrow I get to go to a ladies night out. *grin* Yep, no men or kids allowed. Just hoping to sell the truck so I can buy something! Paid a bunch of bills and now we're waiting for payday again. I did manage to get a bunch of groceries cheap today. A bunch of marked down bread (I took all they had out), plus Hamburger Helper (.84 plus had $1 off 3 coupons I used, and I got all my coupons worth), some yogurts (a 6 pk drinkable for $1 after coupon, then a couple new ones *free* after coupon). I also got the Christmas tree butter for .59 each and picked up a sour cream cheap after coupon. Now I know I need to organize all of my coupons since I can go back Saturday after wrestling for more free yogurts! The littles love it for a snack! I also got pretzels and dh some chips with coupons for $1 a bag. The bigger bags:)
Managed to finish painting the downstairs bath. Not sure why we painted it (okay, that old floral panelling had *something* to do with it!), since it's going to be gutted and redone once things are settled here. Hoping to have this estate settles soon. That's just another stressor in my life, and one I can do without! It make me feel alot better when the neighbors tell us (every time they see us) how much better the house looks since we've been here. Considering how this place looked when we moved in, just knocking it down and starting over would have been better. Not even getting into making the list of what needs done in each room since it'll just overwhelm me. We're just focusing on getting what needs done on the CO to clear that.
I can't wait to do our garden again and this time do more landscaping out front! Definitely need some curb appeal. I'll be looking at the blogs, websites and magazines trying to figure out what do where. We get lot of sun out front (east facing), plus there's not alot of trees in my area. Our garden did well last year, just need to tweak a few things for this year. I'd like to find a community plot so we can add to what we grow. When you feed 8 people, you need to make alot of food!!
I am dreading doing our taxes. Just alot went on last year, and it'll make doing taxes that much more stressful. Then again, I want them done so we can book our vacation. We desperately *need* time away from here. Didn't get to go last year since we had to keep 2 households going (bill wise), finish schooling, and get the other house ready to sell - and me without a car and the other house 6 miles away!
If you want to help with my fundraiser, hop on over to ShelszooSuperstores.blogspot.com and check it out. Just know I'm new to this whole blog thing:) I will be putting pictures there later tonight. I need to decide which ones showcase Uppercase Living the best.
I've rambled enough for today. Thanks for stopping by and I hope I didn't put you to sleep!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Almost Wednesday
So much to do and so litle time! I know I have to get into the girls' room tomorrow - and hope I come out alive! Who knows, maybe I'll find another kid in there? There's a few calls to make (one about a Noah's Ark party, one about a fundraiser, then about some charges on our account when I canceled the accounts. *sigh*), cleaning, run Boo to lift, pick him up (hope the Queen of Evil is still home!), paint the rest of the bathroom downstairs so my other half can hang that cabinet. Then there's always school, I have to copy a bunch of papers, mail out some stuff and hit the store quick for some coupon items. Should also call about checks I was to get that aren't here yet. 2 of the places I'll wait until after hours. Just not up to dealing with those people again. I'll be uploading photos for my business site and maybe redoing this one. I'm not too computer literate, but I feel really lame when I look at all the other blogs out there!
Saturday is my last day to man the door at wrestling. Just think, I'll get to sleep in after that! YES!! It's nice to get out of the house, but I am *so* not a morning person!
I'd still like to go visit the local craft mall. See what all they carry. Maybe see about getting a booth there. I can have a ton of printables for the 4 home party businesses (some have issues with selling in places like that), and maybe make pet treats and such to sell there. Since I have *so* much free time anymore! You know, 6 kids, schooling 3, doing preschool with 1, toddler running amok, trying to unpack (only been a year since we moved here!), declutter and keep my sanity. There's more, but quite frankly, I'm too tired to list it all. Luckily my other half does the wash. Don't be jealous, the washer is dying. (Inherited part of the house. Oven already went and was replaced. Not doing anymore until things are settled.) Since he's downstairs (he likes it cooler) where the washer is, he's right there to switch the control to get it to spin. Hoping for a front loader by summer!
It's turning cold here and they want some snow this weekend. Don't have too much to do this weekend that needs to be done outside. I can postpone it easily and just work in here for hours and not make a dent in my to do list.
I'm still looking at sites to share here. I'm looking for freezer cooking sites. My favorite site was shut down suddenly (and without the owners knowledge), so she's working to get it up someplace else. There will be homeschool sites, printables, holiday ideas, sites for teens (pertaining to internships, apprenticeships, etc.), work at home sites (where you actually get paid!), craft sites, and more. I'll be listing stuff tomorrow on a site my friend told me about. It's free, and that means alot right now. If I can, I'll set up a webstore there since I have *so* much to get rid of! Kids clothes, my clothes, maternity clothes, books, schooling books, craft books and more. Just alot of stuff crowding us here and I'd like it to go! I'm finally in a place where I have room to go through the stuff.
I am hoping to be more regular here once I get a little more organized - as long as my sinuses/ allergies co-operate!
Saturday is my last day to man the door at wrestling. Just think, I'll get to sleep in after that! YES!! It's nice to get out of the house, but I am *so* not a morning person!
I'd still like to go visit the local craft mall. See what all they carry. Maybe see about getting a booth there. I can have a ton of printables for the 4 home party businesses (some have issues with selling in places like that), and maybe make pet treats and such to sell there. Since I have *so* much free time anymore! You know, 6 kids, schooling 3, doing preschool with 1, toddler running amok, trying to unpack (only been a year since we moved here!), declutter and keep my sanity. There's more, but quite frankly, I'm too tired to list it all. Luckily my other half does the wash. Don't be jealous, the washer is dying. (Inherited part of the house. Oven already went and was replaced. Not doing anymore until things are settled.) Since he's downstairs (he likes it cooler) where the washer is, he's right there to switch the control to get it to spin. Hoping for a front loader by summer!
It's turning cold here and they want some snow this weekend. Don't have too much to do this weekend that needs to be done outside. I can postpone it easily and just work in here for hours and not make a dent in my to do list.
I'm still looking at sites to share here. I'm looking for freezer cooking sites. My favorite site was shut down suddenly (and without the owners knowledge), so she's working to get it up someplace else. There will be homeschool sites, printables, holiday ideas, sites for teens (pertaining to internships, apprenticeships, etc.), work at home sites (where you actually get paid!), craft sites, and more. I'll be listing stuff tomorrow on a site my friend told me about. It's free, and that means alot right now. If I can, I'll set up a webstore there since I have *so* much to get rid of! Kids clothes, my clothes, maternity clothes, books, schooling books, craft books and more. Just alot of stuff crowding us here and I'd like it to go! I'm finally in a place where I have room to go through the stuff.
I am hoping to be more regular here once I get a little more organized - as long as my sinuses/ allergies co-operate!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Places to find money in your home
Full disclosure!! This was copied from the yahoo page. I thought I would bring it here to share for those who don't look at those stories on the line. I hope to have a post later tonight geared towards parents of teens (getting ready for college). Internships, apprenticeships, etc. Been battling a headache, but seem to be doing better for the time being. Hope this can help someone!
Here's a brief rundown of some services that can help turn your trash into cash. Start your sales research here (this is by no means an all-inclusive list). Even better, if you have successfully used another service, share it with the entire class in the comments area below this article.
Old electronics and other gadgets: Most of us have a veritable gadget graveyard somewhere in our home. (Attention Smithsonian curators: I recently unearthed a stack of five-inch floppy discs at the bottom of a closet.) Here are a few places that’ll help you clear out some drawer space and get some cash:
· Gazelle.com buys “pre-loved” cell phones, digital cameras, laptops, camcorders, and other electronic doodads. Once the condition and market value of your item is verified, you'll get a check, PayPal payment, or gift card -- your choice. Recently, an iPhone 3G 8GB fetched $103, and a Samsung Solstice SGH-A887 earned the seller $116.
· Over at BuyMyTronics.com, you can price out what you’ll get before you sell by answering a few questions about the condition of the item and the accessories you still have for it. You can offer anything from PDAs to Apple software to eBook readers.
· Flipswap.com lets you recycle your old phone for cash (or a donation to a charity of your choosing), or trade it in for credit at a store that sells cell phones. At the high end, Flipswap pays out an average of $160 for old BlackBerrys and $220 for iPhones. Even that old Samsung Blackjack is worth $41, or your kid’s old Motorola RAZR around $20.
· Even retailers have gotten into the trade-in business. Costco has a program with Gazelle.com that enables members to recycle their electronics for grocery money deposited on their Costco card.
· And check out the market for your used stuff at RadioShack and GameStop, although stores typically only give you store credit for your castoffs. And at Gamefly.com, you can trade in those video games Junior has tossed aside for credit toward purchasing a new first-person shooter game.
Gift cards: You might think they're duds, but gift cards can be worth, well, almost their face value to other folks. With billions of dollars of gift card balances going unredeemed every year, it's no wonder there's a crop of services to help consumers off-load them.
· You can auction it off, sell it outright (Giftcardbuyback.com), or swap it (Swapagift.com) for something better. You'll typically find a full menu online of cards from stores like Lowe's, Wal-Mart, and Cheesecake Factory, among dozens of others. (Other sites to check out: plasticjungle.com, giftcardrescue.com, and monstergiftcard.com.)
· Don't expect to get full face value: Most pay out anywhere from 60% to 90% of face value. (You'll get top dollar by selling cards from hot retailers, in round dollar amounts, and with distant -- or nonexistent -- expiration dates.)
· Some sites charge you a percentage of the final transaction, and others charge a flat fee. Balances must typically be at least $10 to be eligible for swapping, trading, or selling.
Over at Dealnews.com, they ran a handful of these sites through the paces and recommend selling directly to the site (instead of auctioning the card off to members) and using a combination of sites for the highest payout.
Unused airline miles or points: At Points.com, you can swap, share, or redeem your unused rewards. If your points are spread around, you can even combine them so you can get something -- a gift certificate, song downloads, etc. -- before your points expire. At Loyaltymatch.com, you can sell your loyalty reward outright to another member or trade it for something else. Another option is to donate your miles to a cause. Many organizations are set up to facilitate this transaction directly.
Oddball, unusual, and limited-appeal stuff: To get top dollar for your collectibles and other items that might not have mass appeal, eBay is still the obvious first choice. You don't even need to go through the hassle of setting yourself up as a merchant. Simply take the treasures from your attic to an eBay drop-off location, and they'll conduct the transaction from start to finish. For a fee, of course. At the other end of the spectrum is craigslist.com, a digital town crier where you can list, for free, the stuff you want to sell.
As long as you’re cleaning out the garage … : If you’re burdened by a car lease agreement you no longer want or cannot afford, check out Leasetrader.com and Swapalease.com for some financial relief. These sites match folks looking for a short-term lease with those looking to get out of their contract early.
Clean out the attic and get cash this weekend
There are plenty of other places to sell your unwanted stuff. Consider the following:
· Consignment shops are great for designer-label clothing that's in good condition.
· Jewelry stores or pawn shops might buy that gold rope chain you sported in the '80s, which can be sold for its value in scrap.
· Children's consignment shops are a popular way to get a little money for those toys, clothes, and strollers that your little one has outgrown.
Here's a brief rundown of some services that can help turn your trash into cash. Start your sales research here (this is by no means an all-inclusive list). Even better, if you have successfully used another service, share it with the entire class in the comments area below this article.
Old electronics and other gadgets: Most of us have a veritable gadget graveyard somewhere in our home. (Attention Smithsonian curators: I recently unearthed a stack of five-inch floppy discs at the bottom of a closet.) Here are a few places that’ll help you clear out some drawer space and get some cash:
· Gazelle.com buys “pre-loved” cell phones, digital cameras, laptops, camcorders, and other electronic doodads. Once the condition and market value of your item is verified, you'll get a check, PayPal payment, or gift card -- your choice. Recently, an iPhone 3G 8GB fetched $103, and a Samsung Solstice SGH-A887 earned the seller $116.
· Over at BuyMyTronics.com, you can price out what you’ll get before you sell by answering a few questions about the condition of the item and the accessories you still have for it. You can offer anything from PDAs to Apple software to eBook readers.
· Flipswap.com lets you recycle your old phone for cash (or a donation to a charity of your choosing), or trade it in for credit at a store that sells cell phones. At the high end, Flipswap pays out an average of $160 for old BlackBerrys and $220 for iPhones. Even that old Samsung Blackjack is worth $41, or your kid’s old Motorola RAZR around $20.
· Even retailers have gotten into the trade-in business. Costco has a program with Gazelle.com that enables members to recycle their electronics for grocery money deposited on their Costco card.
· And check out the market for your used stuff at RadioShack and GameStop, although stores typically only give you store credit for your castoffs. And at Gamefly.com, you can trade in those video games Junior has tossed aside for credit toward purchasing a new first-person shooter game.
Gift cards: You might think they're duds, but gift cards can be worth, well, almost their face value to other folks. With billions of dollars of gift card balances going unredeemed every year, it's no wonder there's a crop of services to help consumers off-load them.
· You can auction it off, sell it outright (Giftcardbuyback.com), or swap it (Swapagift.com) for something better. You'll typically find a full menu online of cards from stores like Lowe's, Wal-Mart, and Cheesecake Factory, among dozens of others. (Other sites to check out: plasticjungle.com, giftcardrescue.com, and monstergiftcard.com.)
· Don't expect to get full face value: Most pay out anywhere from 60% to 90% of face value. (You'll get top dollar by selling cards from hot retailers, in round dollar amounts, and with distant -- or nonexistent -- expiration dates.)
· Some sites charge you a percentage of the final transaction, and others charge a flat fee. Balances must typically be at least $10 to be eligible for swapping, trading, or selling.
Over at Dealnews.com, they ran a handful of these sites through the paces and recommend selling directly to the site (instead of auctioning the card off to members) and using a combination of sites for the highest payout.
Unused airline miles or points: At Points.com, you can swap, share, or redeem your unused rewards. If your points are spread around, you can even combine them so you can get something -- a gift certificate, song downloads, etc. -- before your points expire. At Loyaltymatch.com, you can sell your loyalty reward outright to another member or trade it for something else. Another option is to donate your miles to a cause. Many organizations are set up to facilitate this transaction directly.
Oddball, unusual, and limited-appeal stuff: To get top dollar for your collectibles and other items that might not have mass appeal, eBay is still the obvious first choice. You don't even need to go through the hassle of setting yourself up as a merchant. Simply take the treasures from your attic to an eBay drop-off location, and they'll conduct the transaction from start to finish. For a fee, of course. At the other end of the spectrum is craigslist.com, a digital town crier where you can list, for free, the stuff you want to sell.
As long as you’re cleaning out the garage … : If you’re burdened by a car lease agreement you no longer want or cannot afford, check out Leasetrader.com and Swapalease.com for some financial relief. These sites match folks looking for a short-term lease with those looking to get out of their contract early.
Clean out the attic and get cash this weekend
There are plenty of other places to sell your unwanted stuff. Consider the following:
· Consignment shops are great for designer-label clothing that's in good condition.
· Jewelry stores or pawn shops might buy that gold rope chain you sported in the '80s, which can be sold for its value in scrap.
· Children's consignment shops are a popular way to get a little money for those toys, clothes, and strollers that your little one has outgrown.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
New financial footing
It's time to start 2010 on a new financial footing! Get all the bills together, figure out if something is high (like the elecric due to the holidays), or missing (like water since that's every 3 months). I've been to http://www.crown.org/Tools/ for some help. They have a page where you can input your yearly income (gross), and it will tell you what you *should* be paying in all areas. Understand that not everyone will have all areas (some won't need a monthly school or child care budget line), but it's a great starting point! Check out www.donnayoung.org for homeschooling and some household printables. I love www.organizdhome.com and www.organizedchristmas.com for their printables and gift ideas. www.Budget101.com has a ton of information. Recipes - including a menu plan to feed a family of 4 for less than $200/month. Know that includes alot of beans. She also has frugal articles and financial sites linked to hers. You can spend a few hours there with all of the recipes, gift ideas, frugal ideas, etc. Homeschoolers should check out www.thehomeschoolmom.com and all she has to offer. She has free enewsletters with great sites to keep your children learning about some really great stuff (most sites are free, but she does run ads to help with the operating costs).
www.debtproofliving.com is by Mary Hunt. There's alot for free, but you can also sign up for a 12 month online membership for $29. Try www.smartcookies.com for some free tools and tips, but the premium membership does cost ($5/mo, $15/3 mos. or $50/yr). There's still enough there that's free to make this a site to check. You can try www.abcsofmakingmoney.com if you're bored. The layout seemed to want you to buy stuff, and I'm leaning more towards giving *free* options. I didn't spend alot of time there, but seemed like alot of the same. Feel free to check it out and see if there is anything new and exciting! (I'll go back when I can't sleep and check it out more thoroughly) Next is a site that share's freebies and deals www.fantabulouslyfrugal.com. Personally, I belong to a yahoogroup that is for freebies. (I just forget to check out blogs for goodies, with a group, you get emails with the links, and that makes it easier for me to do everyday). Another blog to check is www.thefrugaldiva.com. She has a post about volunteering for a Disney ticket, and she seems to be pretty good at posting every day. www.budgetsaresexy.com looks to be a good find. There's also mention of 2 other blogs (clever dude and frugal dad), so, figure lots of reading material at least! (Just a side note, for this paragraph I found these sites in an article in my daily paper)
One great way to save money is to read the paper online! The only paper I buy now is Sunday's for the coupons - and I do buy extra, at the dollar store where they sell for less than the regular price.
An idea to save at the holidays is to start shopping now. Use after Christmas sales to stock up on wrap, cards, ornaments. I give my kids ornaments every year. This way when they move out, they don't have to decorate a tree on their own! Not all ornaments have special meaning, but they should have enough to fill a small tree by the time they're ready to leave us. There are alot of sales going on right now - winter clearance - where you can get a few things to put aside for this holiday season. Not for smaller kids maybe since they seem to grow overnight, but maybe adults or teens.
A site I just found, which seems similar to freecycle but you earn points, is www.kashless.org. I just signed up, so I don't know all the in and outs yet, but I promise to post any goodies I score!
That should give you more than enough to check out for now. Tomorrow I'll post sites where you can do good. Volunteering and donating goods. Unless people would like work at home ideas/ sites?
www.debtproofliving.com is by Mary Hunt. There's alot for free, but you can also sign up for a 12 month online membership for $29. Try www.smartcookies.com for some free tools and tips, but the premium membership does cost ($5/mo, $15/3 mos. or $50/yr). There's still enough there that's free to make this a site to check. You can try www.abcsofmakingmoney.com if you're bored. The layout seemed to want you to buy stuff, and I'm leaning more towards giving *free* options. I didn't spend alot of time there, but seemed like alot of the same. Feel free to check it out and see if there is anything new and exciting! (I'll go back when I can't sleep and check it out more thoroughly) Next is a site that share's freebies and deals www.fantabulouslyfrugal.com. Personally, I belong to a yahoogroup that is for freebies. (I just forget to check out blogs for goodies, with a group, you get emails with the links, and that makes it easier for me to do everyday). Another blog to check is www.thefrugaldiva.com. She has a post about volunteering for a Disney ticket, and she seems to be pretty good at posting every day. www.budgetsaresexy.com looks to be a good find. There's also mention of 2 other blogs (clever dude and frugal dad), so, figure lots of reading material at least! (Just a side note, for this paragraph I found these sites in an article in my daily paper)
One great way to save money is to read the paper online! The only paper I buy now is Sunday's for the coupons - and I do buy extra, at the dollar store where they sell for less than the regular price.
An idea to save at the holidays is to start shopping now. Use after Christmas sales to stock up on wrap, cards, ornaments. I give my kids ornaments every year. This way when they move out, they don't have to decorate a tree on their own! Not all ornaments have special meaning, but they should have enough to fill a small tree by the time they're ready to leave us. There are alot of sales going on right now - winter clearance - where you can get a few things to put aside for this holiday season. Not for smaller kids maybe since they seem to grow overnight, but maybe adults or teens.
A site I just found, which seems similar to freecycle but you earn points, is www.kashless.org. I just signed up, so I don't know all the in and outs yet, but I promise to post any goodies I score!
That should give you more than enough to check out for now. Tomorrow I'll post sites where you can do good. Volunteering and donating goods. Unless people would like work at home ideas/ sites?
Friday, January 15, 2010
January madness
It's about an hour until JJ turns 17. *sigh* Can't believe he's that old all ready! Since he unfriended me on FB, I guess I'll just have to scan in some really cute pics of him as a baby/toddler. Make one my profile pic to celebrate his birthday! Since I have some same friends, he'll know sooner or later! lol
I have to get to bed soon since I have wrestling tomorrow morning. Actually the next 3 Saturdays I have wrestling! I need to print out some labels so I have something to do while taking people's money. Lexi's going with me too, to keep me company.
It's going to be a busy day! Jim works in the morning and then has something after. I'll come home from wrestling to take down Christmas lights, move the wood from out front to in back, clean out the Suburban, pick up the living room, try on more clothes, and work in the girls room. I'd like to do my 5 free ebay auctions and maybe list some other things on different sites. I signed up for kidzola.com, maybe I should try 1 or 2 things there.
Hoping to get our taxes done early this year. Find a nice condo to rent for vacation and send that deposit - make sure Jim actually requests off! Have one week away from here and all of the stress.
All right. Better stop here and get my printing done so I can get some sleep. I'm hoping to finally get rid of my hadache before tomorrow!
I have to get to bed soon since I have wrestling tomorrow morning. Actually the next 3 Saturdays I have wrestling! I need to print out some labels so I have something to do while taking people's money. Lexi's going with me too, to keep me company.
It's going to be a busy day! Jim works in the morning and then has something after. I'll come home from wrestling to take down Christmas lights, move the wood from out front to in back, clean out the Suburban, pick up the living room, try on more clothes, and work in the girls room. I'd like to do my 5 free ebay auctions and maybe list some other things on different sites. I signed up for kidzola.com, maybe I should try 1 or 2 things there.
Hoping to get our taxes done early this year. Find a nice condo to rent for vacation and send that deposit - make sure Jim actually requests off! Have one week away from here and all of the stress.
All right. Better stop here and get my printing done so I can get some sleep. I'm hoping to finally get rid of my hadache before tomorrow!
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